Lyttelton's Coastal Defences

Lyttelton's Coastal Defences began with the 1885 scare. Four emplacements were quickly constructed on the coast-line around Lyttelton. One emplacement each at Erskine Point and Spur Point, with the other two at Battery Point. Meanwhile a far more massive set of fortifications were begun at Ripapa Island (aka Ripa Island). Once complete the fort on Ripapa Island, known as Fort Jervois, would soldier on through both wars. The other batteries were abandoned sometime at the turn of the century. Battery Point was re-used again (albeit with new guns) during World War Two. However by then the new focus was at Godley Head. The battery constructed there served through the war, and was then used for the Compulsory Military Training regime. It remained in use right till 1957 when all Coastal Artillery was disbanded.