Battery Point

Vertical Aerial Photos

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Description: Aerial photo of Battery Point in 1926. The original gun emplacements can be made out, compare this with the later images

Reference: Royal New Zealand Air Force, Environment Canterbury Regional Council

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: Aerial photo of the Battery Point camp site in 1926

Reference: Royal New Zealand Air Force, Environment Canterbury Regional Council

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: Battery Point, 17 January 1941

Reference: Survey SN165, Run 133, Photo 18. Sourced from and licensed by LINZ

Copyright status: CC-BY 3.0

Description: Battery Point, 9 October 1961

Reference: Survey SN1408, Run 3153, Photo 30. Sourced from and licensed by LINZ

Copyright status: CC-BY 3.0

Description: Battery Point, 26 September 1973

Reference: Survey SN2634, Run O, Photo 15. Sourced from and licensed by LINZ

Copyright status: CC-BY 3.0