Battery Point

Two 7-inch RML guns were placed on Battery Point in 1885. One at about thirty feet above sea level, and the other a hundred and twenty feet below the Sumner Road. Barracks were built for a small permanent force above Battery Point. A searchlight was also built in the 1890s and reused during the First World War. In 1903 a Fire Command Post was built just in front of the upper gun.

During the Second World War the old magazines, roads, campsites, and water supply facilities were brought into use. A contract for the work required was let in November 1938. This consisted of a simple type of emplacements for two 4-inch guns (on deck mountings), a magazine, war shelter, an engine room, searchlight, and alterations to an old observation post. The work was completed in September 1939. A district gunners house was built over the upper gun pit in 1939-40. In 1942 concrete overhead covers were added to the gun emplacements.

After the war the 4-inch guns were revived as part of compulsory military training. The guns were removed in 1955 and replaced with two 3.7-inch AA guns. They were removed in 1957.

The site is on land owned by the Port Company and permission is required to access it.