6-inch Mk-VII

Bore: 6-inch

Range: 12,000 yards

In service: 1910-1957

Number in Service: 30

The standard coastal defence gun of the British Empire. The first four purchased were installed at North Head in Auckland, and Fort Dorset in Wellington. These were the only modern heavy guns available during World War One. During World War Two a further 26 were purchased for the protection of secondary ports. The guns at the secondary ports were generally removed in late 1944, but a few continued on at the major ports until 1957.

Short clip of 6-inch Mk-VII guns firing from Fort Dorset, Wellington.

Click the images to enlarge.

Description: The main six inch gun emplacements at Fort Dorset, 16 April 1937. During World War Two these were given massive concrete covers, similar in design to those that survive at Fort Opau

Reference: Working the guns at Fort Dorset, Seatoun. Evening post (Newspaper. 1865-2002) :Photographic negatives and prints of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: 1/4-048821-G. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23203467

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: Photo of one of the gun emplacements during a shoot, 1943

Reference: None, from personal collection

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: At the rear of the gun, 1943

Reference: None, from personal collection

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: One of the Taylor Battery gun emplacements, 1941

Reference: Papers Past - https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/press/1941/11/05/10

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: One of the Taylor Battery gun emplacements, 1941

Reference: DOC Christchurch

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: One of the Taylor Battery gun emplacements, 1941

Reference: Papers Past - https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/press/1941/11/05/10

Copyright status: No known copyright