6-pdr Twin

Bore: 2.24-inch

Range: 5,150 yards

In service: 1942-1957

Number in Service: 4

Purchased during World War Two, these guns were intended to deal with the threat of motor torpedo boats. One for each of the main centres was purchased, but only two were actually installed - at Bastion Point in Auckland and Point Gordon in Wellington. After the war they were made mobile and used for training purposes. No examples remain in New Zealand.

Click the images to enlarge.

Description: Contrary to the caption at the National Library, this is a photo of the twin 6-pounder gun at Point Gordon, 1940s

Reference: Front view of a coastal defence gun, Fort Dorset, New Zealand. New Zealand. Department of Internal Affairs. War History Branch :Photographs relating to World War 1914-1918, World War 1939-1945, occupation of Japan, Korean War, and Malayan Emergency. Ref: PAColl-4161-01-020-77-41. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22782880

Copyright status: Unknown - see National Library website

Description: Bastion Point Twin 6-pounder emplacement in front of the Yacht Club building, 1943

Reference: Army Museum

Copyright status: No known copyright