Copyright statement

To the best of my knowledge the images used on this website are either in the public domain or have been authorised for reuse by the copyright holder. I have used and as a guide when working out what is in the public domain.

If you have found an image that you believe is still in copyright and you wish to have taken down, please contact the webmaster via

For each image on the site I have noted my understanding of the Copyright status that applies. This is broadly grouped into three categories:

  • No known copyright – to the best of my knowledge, this item is in the Public Domain in NZ and likely the USA.

  • A Creative Commons License such as CC BY 3.0 - CC BY is one of the least restrictive licenses, but is not the only one used. If you want to reuse the image, please carefully check what license applies, what it allows you to do with the image and any related requirements.

  • Unknown – check National Library website – this applies to images on the National Library website that have an “unknown” copyright status, with the statement “You can copy this item for personal use, share it, and post it on a blog or website. It cannot be used commercially without permission, please ask us for advice.” If you wish to use the image for commercial purposes, you should contact the National Library first.

I have attempted to provide appropriate references for all images as well. A number of items from my personal collection did not have references attached and I do not recall where I obtained them from. If they were likely to be in the public domain, then I have included them on the website.