6-inch Mk-XXI

Bore: 6-inch

Range: 16,000 yards

In service: 1937-1957

Number in Service: 6

These guns have an unusual history. They were originally developed for the Almirante Latorre class battleships built for Chile. But when Chile was unable to take delivery, they were brought into Uk service as Mk-XXI six-inch guns. Five were purchased for NZ initially, with a sixth purchased in 1942 for Palmer Head. The guns remained in service till 1957, but remained onsite till 1960 when they were scrapped. No examples remain in New Zealand.

Click the images to enlarge.

Description: Installation of gun at Palmer Head Fortress, 1937

Reference: Archives NZ, AD88/3

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: Installation of gun at Palmer Head Fortress, 1937

Reference: Archives NZ, AD88/3

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: Installation of gun at Palmer Head Fortress, 1937

Reference: Archives NZ, AD88/3

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: Installation of gun at Palmer Head Fortress, 1937

Reference: Archives NZ, AD88/3

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: Gun at Palmer Head Fortress, 1937

Reference: Wrights Hill Restoration Society

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: Photograph of gun and one of the tunnels, most likely at Palmer Head, 1943

Reference: Papers Past - https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/EP19430416.2.43

Copyright status: No known copyright