6-pdr QF

Bore: 2.24-inch

Range: 4,500 yards

In service: 1885-1940s

Number in Service: 16

Imported in 1885, these guns were intended to deal with the threat of motor torpedo boats. While predominately Nordenfeldt guns, a small number of Hotchkiss guns were also installed. Many of them were removed from service in the 1920s, but a few carried on in use through World War Two. An example of one of the Hotchkiss guns can be seen at the Royal New Zealand Navy Museum.

A short clip of a 6-pounder firing a salute from North Head during the visit of the American Fleet in 1925.

Click the images to enlarge.

Description: A 6-Pounder Nordenfeldt quick-firing Gun, 1905

Reference: A 6-Pounder Nordenfeldt quick-firing Gun. (New Zealand Illustrated Magazine, 01 August 1905). Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/2809204

Copyright status: No known copyright

Description: The Mechanism of a Nordenfeldt 6-Pounder, 1905

Reference: The Mechanism of a Nordenfeldt 6-Poundei (New Zealand Illustrated Magazine, 01 August 1905). Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/2809222

Copyright status: No known copyright