Harrington Point Battery

The Harrington Point Battery was one of the last Russian Scare works in Dunedin to be completed. It was started in 1890 but was not finished till 1906. When it was originally constructed the battery was only going to be armed with one 7-inch RML gun. It was decided however, to transfer the gun from St Clair and re-emplace it at Harrington Point. The tunnel system for Harrington Point is reasonably extensive. It contains both magazine, living quarters and an engine room for the Battery. Work was begun in 1904 on a searchlight for the Battery. An engine room was built for it, as well as a long access and cable tunnel leading to the emplacement. This was all finished by 1906.

The battery was not used again till World War Two. It was at this time that a new set of emplacements for two 6pdr were built. A new searchlight position was constructed and the old searchlight emplacement was re-occupied. New buildings were also erected in one of the old RML gun pits, this involved some alteration of the gun pit. The battery was abandoned again before the war was over. The spelling of Harrington varies. In the original documentation it is referred to as Harrington (with two r's), while it is now referred to as Harington (with only one r).

The site is now a reserve and is publicly accessible.