2011 Updates

06/22/2011: Section on Booster Features: Booster Features

06/23/2011: Section on NCE booster history, features and specification: NCE Boosters

06/23/2011: Started section on Sound with many subsections completed: Sound

07/05/2011: Started section on "Tool for DCC": Tools for DCC

07/07/2011: Reorganized the "DCC Problems" section into subsections and added more subsections.

07/07/2011: Section on QSI Programming Issues: QSI Programming Issues

07/07/2011: Minor update of clinics page to show presentation history.

07/16/2011: Updated "DCC Basics" clinic since it was presented at the 2011 NMRA convention by Jim Betz. DCC CLINICS

08/04/2011: Added a DCC project page. First project is DCC'ing a Walther's motorized turntable. DCC'ing a Walthers Turntable

08/04/2011: Updated section on NCE Booster history with "track voltage" history.

08/30/2011: Added Section on Choosing the right Booster

09/05/2011: Update NCE USB Limitations page to tie into other topic webpages.

09/05/2011: Started Section on Accessory Decoders

11/11/2011: Added a section for Jim Betz Decoder Tuning presentation(s).

11/18/2011: Updated section on DC Loco on DCC

11/18/2011: Started a section on Short Address 00/ DC control

11/18/2011: Updated section on Track & Wire Properties

11/30/2011: Added the first section on NCE Booster Performance Testing

12/20/2011: Greatly expanded the NCE Macro sections. Created NCE Macro System Specifications page.

12/20/2011: Completed the first draft of the NCE Mini/Macro Panel page.

12/20/2011: Created a NCE Command Stations page to show command station history.

12/20/2011: Created a NCE DCC Systems page to show specification & capability differences.

12/28/2011: Expanded NCE DCC Circuit Breakers section with more information on both EB1 and EB3.

12/28/2011: Added information on the Inrush Current (Sound Decoders) problem when using DCC circuit breakers.