BLI Decoder Pin out
Below is an email from a BLI customer posted on the NCE_DCC list. He was asking about adding "Stay Alive" super-capacitors devices to an existing BLI Paragon (P2 and P3) engine. In BLI's response, BLI provided pin-out connection information for there decoder.
Sorry to hear you are having trouble with that engine, we will be happy to assist you.
Our Paragon 2 and Paragon 3 decoders come equipped with a capacitor to keep the engine going during a very brief interruption in power, is the engine having a problem while going over a frog or a switch?
The reason I ask is because you may not need to install a Keep Alive if there is something going on with that engine like a pickup issue - if that is the case we can definitely assist you. We do not support upgrades/modifications here in the service bay, and we do not have any experience with installing a Keep Alive on our decoders. Because of this, I do not know where or how you would hook up the wires for something like that.
Please be advised that any malfunction of the decoder due to installation of a Keep Alive is not covered under warranty.
Pin outs can vary based on what is programmed into the decoder.
JPGM: Serial wire (usually used for chuff on a steam engine and/or programming)
J1: Pin1 = Front Light
J1: Pin2 = Front Light
J1: Pin3 = Rear Light
J1: Pin4 = Rear Light
J2: Pin1 = Speaker +
J2: Pin2 = Speaker -
J3: Pin1 = Track +
J3: Pin2 = Track -
J3: Pin3 = Motor +
J3: Pin4 = Motor -
J4: Pin1 Track +
J4: Pin2 Track -
J5: Pin1 Track +
J5: Pin2 Track -
J8: Pin1 Mars Light/3.3V
J8: Pin2 Mars Light/Serial
J8: Pin3 Cab Light
J8: Pin4 Cab Light
J8: Pin5 Wheel Sensor
We recommend doing a pick up test on your engine if you are experiencing trouble running our model. This can be done by placing both the engine and the tender on the track tethered together. Apply power to the rails and lift the tender off of the track leaving only the engine on the rails. Do you still have lights and sound? Then place the tender on the track and remove the engine from the rails. Do you still have lights and sound? If at any time during this test the engine shuts off, you will be able to tell which part of the loco is experiencing the problem. We can fix any issue that is causing the engine to behave in this manner here in our service bay under warranty for you.
BLI Service Department
Broadway Limited Imports, LLC
9 E Tower Cir Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Phone: (386) 673-8615 Fax: (386) 673-8080