DCC Manufacture Links

The following are links to DCC equipment manufactures. NOTE: The mention of commercial products on this website is for information only, and in no way constitutes endorsement by Mark Gurries. Mark will not be held responsible for the performance of any commercial supplier mentioned within.

NCE is one of the top two US DCC system manufactures. NCE focuses on the design of advanced DCC products with equal emphasis on easy of use. If the product is not easy to use, it will not ship! There are systems for the first time DCC user all the way up to large Club layouts.


Digitrax is the other top US DCC system manufacture. Digitrax focuses on the most advanced DCC products while at the same time offering maximum bang per buck. There are systems for the first time DCC user all the way up to large Club layouts.


TCS is currently a non-sound decoder only manufacture. They offer a unique array of decoder products with a excellent reputation.


Lenz is one of the premier decoder manufactures in terms of high performance motor control. They are considered one of the top two DCC manufactures in Europe. They invented DCC as we know it today and gave it to the NMRA "Free" which adopted it. Lenz also a big proponent of DCC conformance testing. In addition to decoders, they offer their Digital Plus DCC system and a wide range of DCC accessories.


CVP is the creator of the EasyDCC system kits that have been featured in Model Railroader magazine. They also offer accessory decoder kits.


MRC offers some very popular "Prodigy" series of DCC systems given the wide distribution of the MRC product line. They offer a full line of sound decoders the often include speakers and light system upgrades.


Zimo is the other premier decoder manufacture in terms of high performance motor control. They offer a very high end DCC system but its designs are focused on the European market.


ESU makes both DCC Systems and the popular LokSound sound decoder.


QSI has made sound decoders for a long time focusing in larger scales. They became a house hold name when they entered the HO market as the sound decoder used by Broadway Limited (BLI).


DCC Specialties make quality DCC electronics to help your layout run better. Famous for their DCC circuit breakers and RRampmeter, they make many other products .


Soundtraxx makes the famous Tsunami Sound decoders. A true pioneer in DCC HO sound decoders, Soundtraxx has always focused on highest quality sounds and features.
