SYS-1 & old NCE Boosters

Booster Common for Wangrow's SystemOne or NCE's Master Series boosters and any Ramtraxx system.

Unfortunately NCE's MasterSeries PB205 (not NCE PB205a), SYS1's (Wangrow's) Dual 5A Booster (SBR01) and Ramtraxx's system do NOT support a booster common (Home Ground) connection.

You will need to modify these boosters if you plan to have these boosters work with any OTHER boosters including if it the same brand and model number.

Example: You got a deal on a SYS 1 dual 5A booster and want to add it to you NCE powerhouse system to expand the power, you will need to modify the SYS1 booster internally to ground the B- of the internal power supply to the case. Then tie the SYS1 booster case to the PowerHouse booster case using again a heavy gauge wire as discussed in the NCE booster manual.

Information on how to do this Home Ground modification is found here: NCE Clinics