
This section holds links to other parts of this website regarding various topics relating to:

1) Operation of Locomotives.

2) Programming of decoders.

3) Wiring or products that can co-exist with each other.

These are not DCC incompatibility issues per say but are product design choice related.

1) OPERATION: Locomotive with Digitrax decoder does not work in a NCE consist.

Two Possible Causes:

a) You have a very early generation Digitrax decoder did not support CV19. CV19 required to support Advanced Consisting. You have two choices

a1) Use NCE's "Old Style" consisting which is the same type as Digitrax's Universal Consisting.

a2) Replace the Digitrax decoder with a newer Digitrax decoder or any other brand of decoder.

b) Digitrax decoders by default disable the BEMF function when becoming part of an Advanced Consist. The motor has never been tuned to work without BEMF resulting in poor motor response. The best solution is to change the default to enable BEMF in Advanced Consisting by programming a CV in the decoder. To solve the problem go here:

BEMF/Advanced Consisting & Digitrax


Digitrax decoders by default disable the BEMF function when becoming part of an Advanced Consist. The motor has never been tuned to work without BEMF resulting in poor motor response. The best solution is to change the default to enable BEMF in Advanced Consisting by programming a CV in the decoder. To solve the problem go here:

BEMF/Advanced Consisting & Digitrax


If your goal is intend to ONLY replace locomotive throttles with NCE throttles for running trains BUT do not want to give up any other Digitrax functions, this is what you need to do.

3a) NCE command station with The correct connection between any NCE command station that has a control bus output and a layout with Digitrax boosters or accessories that require railsync signals, is found here:

3b) Follow the instruction on the following link with some exceptions specific to NCE.

Mixing Booster Brands

The 5A NCE PowerPro and Smart Booster (SB3a/SB5 DCC systems are able to drive Digitrax devices that require railsync signals. The mean the NCE system can drive Digitrax booster and accessory such as the BDL168 block occupancy detector. You do not have to give up Loconet features and control in doing so. Both system can COEXIST at the same time.