Comprehensive Tech Links

Mark is a member of the NMRA, the National Model Railroading Association. The DCC Standards and Recommended Practices (RP) are found on the NMRA website:

NMRA DCC Standards

Wiring For DCC is a huge website packed full of technical information about wiring and track. There are so many topics that it has a topic page. It is the defacto DCC reference site.

One of the FREE JMRI projects is the Decoder Pro program. Given the growing complexity of decoders, this program allows one to avoid most of the technical difficulties of programming any brand or model decoder past and present. Being a Freeware program and contributor based, it is always kept up to date by Decoder Pro users.


One of the FREE JMRI projects is the Panel Pro program. This program allows you to build a simple control panel all the way up to prototypically and realistic looking dispatching CTC panel. Being a Freeware program and contributor based, it is always kept up to date by Panel Pro users.


DCC University. Lot of good information on all things DCC. Great reference for sound decoder installations.

Diesel Installations.

Steam Engine Installations