Home - Lucas County Bar Association


Why You Should Join the Lucas County Bar Association

Since 1928, the Lucas County Bar Association has been welcoming members from throughout the Lucas County, Ohio region. 

Mission Statement: The Lucas County Bar Association is dedicated to promoting professionalism and respect for the law by providing its members a friendly, inexpensive and informal forum for the sharing of timely information and diverse topics of the law.

What's the Best About the LCBA?

* Networking and referrals among over 300 members

* Educational offerings

* Weekly speakers and luncheons

* Community Involvement

* Proud to foster "The Toledo Way" of practicing law (as presented by Jim Yavorcik on 3/9/15 it's an aspirational ideal marked by: 1) a lifelong commitment to mentoring others; 2) respect for the court; and 3) extraordinary civility towards opposing counsel.