Week 6

Post date: Sep 11, 2015 11:33:52 PM

September 14, 2015

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Week 6! Your students are doing a fantastic job adjusting to class. However, the very first thing your students want to do when they arrive in class is to use the restroom. Please remind/ask your child to use the restroom before they walk to line up when you drop them off at school.

Please have your All About Me Page on Monday. Use both sides of the paper, if you’d like, making sure to have a 1” margin on the left of the “front” side. The students who have brought them in early got to share the pages. Once everyone has it turned in, students will be able to take the book home when they have André.

Most of the students brought back their composition books after the weekend; some of the students did not. Please make sure that the blue homework folder, Thursday Folder, and composition book come back to school as we do use it.

I have updated the André calendar on our class calendar and on the signup sheet. There are a few extra days if anyone would like to sign up twice. I've also updated the page with my Labor Day weekend with André. Check it out, if you'd like.

Everyone logged in to Google Classroom during our computer lab time. We worked on a typing sheet where they used “tab” to move from one box to the next and navigated with the mouse. We’re slow and steady, but with practice, we should get used to logging in and accessing the document.

In English, we will be making a Korean dish called “bibimbap” on Friday, which is the finale with the story we’re reading, Bee-Bim-Bop by Linda Sue Park. We are making the vegetarian version, even though there will be eggs. I know there are some allergies in the class. Here are the ingredients that we will be using. Please let me know if there is something your child is not supposed to have. Everything will be separated and the students will be putting in their own ingredients:

· white rice

· carrots

· spinach

· mung bean sprouts

· eggs

· kimchee – pickled cabbage

· sauce, made with: soy sauce, garlic, salt, pepper, sugar, sesame oil, green onions

Here’s a breakdown of our week:


We will be working on the letter E. Without an accent and when it is not silent, it is pronounced “uh”. Students will also be briefly exposed to “é” which sounds like “eh”.

We will see:

- un biberon – baby bottle – pronounced: un bee-buh-ron

- une pelote – ball of yarn – pronounced: une puh-lotte

- une grenouille – frog – pronounced: une gruh-nu-eee

- un cheval – horse – pronounced: un shuh-val

- une cerise – cherry – pronounced: une suh-reez

- une chemise – button-up shirt – pronounced: une shuh-meez

- un requin – shark – pronounced: un ruh-ke-un

We will complete letter writing, sound isolating, syllable clapping, and syllable identifying activities.

We continue review our sight word “c’est” but will be concentrating on writing “je suis” this week.

We will be using the “je suis” sentence structure with an noun: Je suis – I am – pronounced: juh swee.

Book: A variety of “je suis” books


We are working on 5 this week. Your students are doing a fantastic job adding. We will continue to add within 5, learning about the different ways of making 5 (commutative property of addition: 2+3 = 3+2, identity property: 0+5 = 5)


- This week, we will focus on bleu – pronounced: bluh.

- We’ll be making a caterpillar on Thursday using numbers.


- Sur le plancher, une araignée

Homework explanation:

- Read for 20 minutes daily. E-books and/or books at home.

Optional Homework

- Watch the E writing movie via Google Classroom, practice writing on the laminated sheet. Your child can erase it as soon as you have checked it.

- On the lines on the backside, practice writing “Je suis” and use one of our vocabulary words to make a sentence: Ex: Je suis une grenouille. Try using one or 2 different vocabulary words each day. They can draw a picture to accompany their sentence(s).

- Have your students count - anything.

- Ask your child to sing their favorite French song to you.


- Please make sure you sign your child’s behavior log every day.

- Library time is Tuesday at 8:30. Please bring the book back in the 2-gallon ziplock bag.

- Remind your students to use the restroom before lining up, during recess, and lunch time.

- Please make sure your child has a bottle of water. A hat is optional.

- All About Me page is due Monday, September 14.

- Friday night is an evening for parents to browse for the book fair. Our book fair class visit will be on Tuesday 9/22 at 8:30 (during our library time).