Week 35

Post date: May 01, 2016 9:58:45 PM


Dear Parents,

Welcome to Week 35! The end of the year is slowing creeping up! We’ve got just a little over 20 school days left and there’s a whole lot to do! We’ll be reviewing this week and final evaluations will start next week. Please review with your students at home, too. We have a pretty exciting week: the caterpillars are getting ready to form chrysalises.

We started buddy reading with the first graders last week and will continue to do so every Friday until the end of the school year.

Concerning the last day of school (June 1), there is no official kindergarten graduation ceremony. However, it is my class’ tradition to be crowned. Just as we started the first day of school making crowns for making it through the first day of dual-immersion, your students will be crowned for having done an amazing job learning French throughout the year. All parents are welcome to the classroom at 11 for our small celebration.

Here are our adventures this week:


We are working on the sound “IM IN”. It is a nasal “I” sound. We will be seeing the following words, although the students now have a large enough of vocabulary that I ask for their contribution for words with the target sound:

  • Un sapin – pine tree

  • Une main – hand

  • Les grains – grains

  • Une dinde – turkey

  • Un timbre – stamp

  • Le chemin – trail

  • Une ceinture – belt

Sight words: Please review sight words using the sight words ebook!

Book: Les Contes de Tinga Tinga: Pourquoi les singes se balancent dans les arbres? – Why do monkeys swing in trees?


We’re reviewing all of our math skills: writing and recognizing #1-20, counting to 100, days of the week, months of the year, geometric shapes, adding and subtracting, and using prepositions.


We continue to practice La chanson de la francophonie and Soulman (with lyrics) or Soulman (official music video) for our show.


We continue to learn about the butterfly life cycle and wild animals.

Your students LOVE QR codes – if you have an iPad/tablet at home, it may be a cool idea to hide them around the house - it can be a sight word/an animal/an event (anything that has an internet link, really). The kids find them, scan them, and you can talk about them together. A great QR code reader (that we use in class) is i-Nigma.

Homework explanation.

  • Please read at least 20 minutes per day with your student.


  • Please make sure you sign your child’s behavior log every day.

  • We have two more library sessions before the end of the school year