SEMESTRE 1/2 F2018

c'est mardi le 28 août

intro, syllabus, survey about learning,

homework: read why learn a language, come up with ideas for sentences.

1. adjectives you ARE 2. something you HAVE 3. things you like TO DO

c'est mercredi le 29 août

1. review rules syllabus, questions , and words from yesterday

2. discuss why learn a language survey about how learn

3. have ideas for sentences

4. look up words and write sentences ( je suis adj, j'ai un/une/des nous, j'aime inf verb)

6. draw pictures

7. find French name

8. play VINGT if time

Homework: have two sentences written and pictures drawn on paper for tomorrow

have three ideas for French name

c'est jeudi le

OBJECTIVES: students will notice the similarities in the languages with the many cognates they find

students will explore the dictionary and write sentences with different parts of speak


1. write sentences ( je suis adj, j'ai un/une/des nous, j'aime inf verb)

2. draw pictures

3. find French name

4. go over numbers 1-20

5. play ZUT

DEVOIRS: complete drawing and have THREE ideas for French name

c'est vendredi

1. cognates on board

2. songs with bonjour intro and notes

3. numbers 1-20

4. introductions (je m'appelle/ comment t'appelles-tu?) je te presente

5. ZUT!


DEVOIRS: Harry Potter/Hunger games cognates article

c'est lundi



1. time to read Harry Potter/ Hunger Games cognate article

2. go over articles- explain what to search for their own article

3. review sentences from Friday go over vocab (enchanté, je te presente etc)

and play vingt again

4. alphabet intro

come up with smart words

5. loto/flashcards with numbers

DEVOIRS: find your own cognate article. find a book, movie, show, famous person and find cognates in an article about them. either print out and highlight or write a list. use make sure to find the French translation ie. Frozen = Reine des Neiges

c'est mardi

OBJECTIVES: students will ID cognates

students will greet each other


1. cognate articles- read and ID

2. go over info about each other (block 4 add others)

2B. intro songs on youtube

3. sparkle poof with numbers

4. go over introductions

fill out sheets and introduce yourself to people in room-

5. Alphabet

4. groups of 3- introduce friend to other- Je te presente, c'est mon/ma camarade de classe

4. Alphabet-

c'est mercredi le 31 janvier

OBJECTIVES: students will greet and introduce each other


1. go over info about each other (review names)

LA BISE VIDEO + other intro songs

2. finish introductions then see who is who

3. groups of 3 introduce friend to other- Je te presente, c'est mon/ma camarade de classe. present classmate to class

4. alphabet- smart words game

5. numbers addition flashcards


c'est jeudi le premier février



1. videos- greetings

2. groups of 2 introduce friend to class- Je te presente, c'est mon/ma camarade de classe. present classmate to class

3. introductions with famous people- je te presente (to class)

4. unscramble activity

5. every other letter with partner

6. spell smart words

DEVOIRS: phone call/ crossword

think of 2 famous people and cognate adjectives to describe them

2. phone call for Friday/ Monday

call 476-4811 extention 2203 (or use speak pipe) <-------\

say: 1.Bonjour. 2 .Je m'appelle ___ 3.Ca va bien/mal 4.(Je suis + 2 adjectives) 5. numbers 1-20 6. spell name 7. Au revoir!

pronounced Jah mah pell pronounced Jah swee

c'est vendredi le 2 février

OBJECTIVES: students will know how to greet and introduce classmates

students will spell and understand spelling of words


1. stuff in book- exercises and listening

a few minutes for packets/crossword

2. listening to spelling of famous people

3. if time, white board game

4. loto/ flashcards


DEVOIRS: crossword/ packet