SEMAINE #9/10 S2018

c'est lundi le 26 mars

1. time to write and go over story corrections

2. intro to formation of passé composé with regulars- packet

3. talk about what you did over the weekend (list) and review

quebec trip pictures with passé composé

4. go over rest of irregular verb clipart

c'est mardi le 27 mars

je suis allé(e)

1. go over pc sentences from yesterday (go around one by one to see who remembers)

2. story corrections

3. conjuguemos with REGULAR passé composé

4. write sentences with irregular infinitives in groups and go over

clipart game

c'est mercredi le 28 mars


1. fill out infinitive sentence chart in groups 1. talk about presentations with pc (pictures) and research (pc)

2. time to work on stories 2. see where they're at on pc (white board game)

-go over chart

3. introduction to past participles/gestures 3. writing time, packet time

4. clipart game

c'est jeudi le 29 mars

go over sentences with inf from hier

1. go over gestures with new irregulars FR4- join activities

2. fly swatter work on movie reviews, packets, presentation for tomorrow, research for slideshow

3. speaking questions

4. new vocab from textbook?

5. time for story fixes/continuation

c'est vendredi le 30 mars

1. pre-quiz FR4: packets and research (ind)

2. speaking questions speaking questions? and presentations

3. memory/ go fish/ loto

Jamie/Connor present (questions)

new clipart?

c'est lundi le 2 avril

1. review irreg pps with gestures

2. go over pre-quizzes from vendredi

3. speaking questions

4. clem presents

5. new vocab clipart


pc pre-quiz

organize reassessments

present story time

new vocab


1. speaking questions w/ pc

2. location words, gestures, hot potato

3. look at text book

4. intro to DRMRS / future for FR4

or review reading and do reading as a class