SEMAINE #2 F2013

c'est mardi le 3 septembre

OBJECTIVES: students will answer questions with expressions

students will listen to and add details and answer questions about a story using expressions and major verbs

students will begin research about sites of Paris


1. weekend

2. speaking questions, around the world

3. TPRS story with BIG verbs and expressions

4. start PARIS research?

DEVOIRS: continue story with 8 additional sentences. Use specifics and adjectives. tell about qui, quand, où, pourquoi etc.

Paris research. be prepared to have your info printed out

c'est mercredi le 4 septembre

OBJECTIVES: students will answer questions with expressions

students will listen to and add details and answer questions about a story using expressions and major verbs

students will begin research about sites of Paris


1. speaking questions

2. continue TPRS story with details they've thought about

3. start PARIS research in computer lab

DEVOIRS: have information on three sites printed out and highlighted

c'est jeudi le 5 septembre

OBJECTIVES: students will answer questions with expressions

students will listen to and add details and answer questions about a story using expressions and major verbs

students will begin research about sites of Paris


1. speaking questions (around the world)

2. story

3. clip art game

4. Paris write

DEVOIRS: write 5 sentences about one of your PARIS sites

c'est vendredi le 6 septembre

OBJECTIVES: students will answer questions with expressions

students will listen to and add details and answer questions about a story using expressions and major verbs

students will begin research about sites of Paris


1. faire questions + around the world

2. review details with a partner and continue story as a class

3. clip art game

4. Paris research

DEVOIRS: continue Paris sentences. 5 sentences about next site.