SEMAINE #15/16 S2016

c'est lundi le 9 mai

OBJECTIVES: students will talk about what they did over the weekend

students will learn irregular infinitive verbs


1. parler du weekend avec les reguliers

2. finish quiz

3. fill out irregular clipart

game? with irregular meanings

DEVOIRS: crossword with infinitives

c'est mardi le 10 mai

OBJECTIVES: students will talk and write in the past tense

student will learn new irregular verbs/ past participles


1. Finish 3 sentences with infinitives: Je veux Je peux J'aime Je vais J'ai besoin de Je viens de Je dois Je sais...

share with partner

return to class

2. gestures and hot potato

3. fly swatter/slap it game

DEVOIRS: packet with irregulars/ crossword with infinitives

c'est mercredi le 11 mai

OBJECTIVES: students will talk and write in the past tense

student will learn new irregular verbs/ past participles


1. talk about tomorrow/weekend with infinitives

2. intro to other cliparts- fill out sheet

3. fly swatter- try past participles for first

4. speaking questions

5. clipart game

DEVOIRS: packet

c'est jeudi le 12 mai



1. speaking questions

2. games activities with new verbs and past participles

DEVOIRS: pre-quizzes with avoir, pres to past sheet

c'est vendredi le 13 mai



1. drill gestures and past participles

speaking questions

2. create story with verb list

3. flashcards

4. white board game

explain drmrs + packet

DEVOIRS: packets/worksheets/ quiz tuesday

c'est lundi le 16 mai

OBJECTIVES: students will know how to form the past tense

students will start writing a short, simple story in the past tense


1. pre-quiz worksheets

2. speaking questions

3. conjuguemos?

4. white board/ flashcards

review class story

5. start story write

DEVOIRS: quiz on clipart/verbs/past participles (matching and write in pp)

c'est mardi le 17 mai



1. quiz on past participles and clipart

2. ex in etre packet

3. white board game

4. time to write stories

DEVOIRS: ex in etre packet, work on stories

c'est mercredi le 18 mai



1. speaking questions

2. etre ex in packet

3. white board game

4. time to work on stories

DEVOIRS: ex in packet, work on stories

jeudi/vendredi: intro to dejeuner du matin

c'est jeudi le 20 mai



1. speaking questions

2. clean up stories and make final draft

3. conjuguemos and packet

intro to dejeuner vocab?

DEVOIRS: packet, final draft story