SEMAINE #13/14 S2016

c'est lundi le 25 avril

OBJECTIVES: students will learn the meanings and locations of adjectives and use them to describe classmates and objects


1. teacher vs student

2. run around

3. predict classmates future. Il/elle va etre un/une..../..... Il /elle va avoir un ...../...... Il/ elle va (your verb) un ..../....

4. explain poem, start filling in nouns/verbs

5. packet practice?

6. loto with vocab- white board game

DEVOIRS: poem start (fill in nouns/verbs) packet practice

c'est mardi le 26 avril

OBJECTIVES: students will learn the meanings and locations of adjectives and use them to describe classmates and objects


1. flashcard game with adjectives

2. loto

3. notes on agreements- look at packet packet

5. poem continuation

6. explain describe room activity and start drawing

DEVOIRS: poem/packet

c'est jeudi le 28 avril

OBJECTIVES: students will learn the meanings and locations of adjectives and use them to describe classmates and objects in a room


1. ^ activity in packet

2. continue drawing, describing room activity

3. time for poem/sentence writing

DEVOIRS: poem/packet

c'est vendredi le 29 avril



1. ex in packet

2. finish up speaking for some

3. conjguemos

4. poem writing

DEVOIRS: finish up poems

c'est lundi le 2 mai



1. ex in packet

2. conjuguemos

3. poem work

DEVOIRS: packet, poem.

quiz mercredi

mardi le 3 mai

same as lundi

mercredi le 4 mai

OBJECTIVES: students will add adjectives to sentences and make them agree


1. quiz on adjectives

2. intro to passé composé


jeudi le 5 mai



1. review passé composé

2. "telephone" with what they did last night (hier)

3. speaking questions

4. change regular verb story to PC

5. white board game

5. packet time

DEVOIRS: packet, quiz on regulars