SEMAINE #15 F2014

c'est lundi le 8 décembre

OBJECTIVES: students will write predictions to a song

students will describe a scene using the imparfait

students will form the imparfait tense


1. conjuguemos/ collect corrections of worksheets

2. commercials to present

3. go over song vocab

4. Part 1 of quiz: make predictions to song

5. quiz on imparfait formation

6. listen to song and fill in blanks

DEVOIRS: worksheet with sentences with both pc and imparfait

c'est mardi le 9 décembre

OBJECTIVES: students will begin to use both the passe compose and imparfait together.

they will learn expressions that are associated with each tense

students will be introduced to house vocabulary


1. song predictions

2. listen to song and fill in blank "pain au chocolat"

3. pc/imp activities in book as a class (indicators)

4. intro to new house vocabulary

DEVOIRS: complete filling out clipart

worksheet with indicators

c'est jeudi le 11 décembre

OBJECTIVES: students will use the passe compose and imparfait in the same sentence

students will tell a story that they witnessed using the pc/imp


1. listen to songs (pain au chocolat, araignée, il y avait)

2. ex in book with partner (correct pc/imp indicator worksheet)

3. lire "a l'école autrefois"

4. p. 350 un accident

5. parler de l'autobiographie

6. vocab game

DEVOIRS: packet with pc/imp

pictures for lundi

c'est vendredi le 12 décembre

OBJECTIVES: students will practice distinguishing between the passe compose and imparfait when telling a story

students will practice house vocabulary


vive le vent!

1. go over homework

2. do a pc/imp story as a class

3. vocab games

teacher vs student


other if time

DEVOIRS: have 8 pictures shared or in hand

write intro to autobiographie (8 sentences)

vocab crossword