SEMAINE #17 F2014

c'est le 5/6 janvier 2015!

OBJECTIVES: students will talk about vacations using the passé composé


1. parler des vacances en Francais. pc review. prepare written questions- practice question forming for presentations

2. work on pc/imp fill-in-the blank stories and autobiographies (go over answers from lundi)

3. make a list of Kirikou vocabulary- collect to form class list

DEVOIRS: have pc/imp story complete

autobiography final due mercredi/jeudi (presentations) writing due jeudi

pc/imp test vendredi- review Kirikou

c'est mercredi le 7 janvier

OBJECTIVES: students will talk about pictures and their childhood

students will ask questions to their classmates about their childhood


1. autobiographie presentations

2. fill-in-the-blank exercises

DEVOIRS: kirikou list, complete fill-in-the-blank exercises, auto biographies

c'est jeudi le 8 janvier

OBJECTIVES: students will talk about pictures and their childhood

students will ask questions to their classmates about their childhood:


1. collect kirikou list and create, talk about movie while I make google doc

2. continue presentations

3. review for test? indicators flash cards

DEVOIRS: test on pc/imp

c'est vendredi le 9 janvier

1. finish presentations

2. talk about Kirikou and make list

2. go over story

3. indicator game

4. white board game

5. go over for finals

c'est le 13 janvier

1. passé composé imparfait test

2. presentation

3. exam review sheet