SEMAINE #13/14 S2018

c'est lundi le 30 avril

1. go over pc tests

2. time to read

3. intro to new clipart/ provisions

4. pronoun intro?

c'est mardi le premier mai

1. finish going over new clipart

2. teacher vs student

3. fly swatter/ clipart game?

4. intro to pronouns

c'est mercredi le 2 mai

1. vocab games

2. make list of verbs that use pronouns

3. go over pronouns

use pictures to see who buys, likes, takes the objects (use pronouns in discussion)

c'est jeudi le 3 mai

1. play battleship with vocab and pronouns

2. notes and worksheet with pronoun

3. time for reading?

c'est vendredi le 4 mai

1. review battle ship and pronouns from present from yesterday

2. explain passé composé and write out verbs on board for connect four

3. do quick notes to put on worksheet

4. play go fish with vocab (and pronouns)

c'est lundi le 7 mai

1. speaking questions with partner

2. vocab list activity/ partner quiz with clipart

3. intro to indirect pronouns

4. worksheet/ whiteboard game

c'est mardi le 8 mai

1. speaking questions pronouns

2. pictionary or conjguemos

3. more indirect pronoun practice/worksheet

4. start La Grand Seduction

c'est mercredi le 9 mai

1. speaking questions

2. conjuguemos

3. intro to pronoun Y + worksheet

4. parler de la grande seduction

5. regarder

c'est jeudi le 10 mai

1. speaking questions with pronoun Y

2. white board game with pronouns AND vocab

3. Grand Seduction

HOMEWORK: prep sentences about Grand Seduction

c'est vendredi le 11 mai

1. speaking questions

2. intro to EN pronoun

3. which pronoun activity

4. worksheet hand out/ Grand seduction questions

5. film