SEMAINE #9/10 S2018

c'est lundi le 26 mars

1. pre-quiz on ER verbs

2. video on conjugating

3. connect four

4. write story

5. conjuguemos etc.

continue packets

c'est mardi le 27 mars

1. speaking questions

2. conjuguemos

3. write class story

4. explain project/story write

homework: packets, plot story

c'est mercredi le 28 mars

1. speaking questions with partner

2. review class story

3. culture stuff in book

4. time to write stories

(remind to turn in final draft of c'est moi!)

c'est jeudi le 29 mars

1. speaking questions- around the world?

show writing test

2. review class story

3. charades (white board)

4. time to write stories

tomorrow- speaking and listening portion of tests, lundi test

c'est vendredi le 30 mars

1. speaking assessment

2. story writing

3. kahoot with ER verbs

4. time to work on packet etc.

packets due lundi, test lundi stories due mercredi

c'est lundi le 2 avril

review prior to test

TEST and story writing

c'est mardi le 3 avril

1. finish/correct tests

2. work on stories

3. intro to new vocab 2C etc

4. numbers game

c'est mercredi le 4 avril

1. ER stories

2. 2C stuff in book + culture (chandail worksheet + video)

online music searches

3. games with numbers 1-60

4. 2C worksheet