c'est mercredi le 29 août

OBJECTIVES: students will review the rules and expectations for French class

students will write about their likes and learn about their classmates

students will review the four major irregular verbs


1. go over syllabus and rules

2. write sentences about themselves (pick two)

J'ai + new noun

Je suis + new adjective

Je vais + new verb

3. go over BIG 4 / 5

DEVOIRS: write 8 sentences with 8 different forms of the verbs about yourself and your friends/family. And make the sentences specific, so that it couldn't be about anyone else. Use adjectives, don't forget articles!

ex. Je suis une fille enthousiaste

J'ai deux gros chiens noirs

Ma mère va au travail à National Life

Mes amis font du foot à Spaulding

c'est mercredi le 29 août

OBJECTIVES: students will learn more about each other

students will practice their major irregulars and use/hear them in a story

students will practice forming questions.


1.go over sentences about yourself. Read to partner

partner tells about you to class. Questions- back and forth

2. survey about French, likes and dislikes

3. go over cliparts with idiomatic expressions

DEVOIRS: write 6 sentences using the expressions with etre and avoir

be specific tell us WHEN or WHY, adding extra information. d

c'est vendredi le 30 août

OBJECTIVES: students will learn about each other

students will continue to practice the major irregular verbs (BIG 4) and idiomatic expressions that go with them

students will research fact about Paris


1. go over sentences about self

2. share sentences with partner

3. finish going over idiomatic expressions clipart

4. begin story using expressions

5. clipart game if time


continue story using additional expressions (8 sentences)

optional: there is a ton of BIG 4/5 exercises on conjuguemos, ETRE AVOIR ALLER FAIRE etc if you would like to start practicing.

aviewoncities- Paris If you would like to start research on some sites of Paris (in English)

c'est vendredi le 25 janvier

OBJECTIVES: students will learn about each other

students will continue to practice the major irregular verbs (BIG 4) and idiomatic expressions that go with them

students will research fact about Paris


1. pre-quiz on verb forms

Type 2 write- Paris

(look at Paris info/homework)

2. summarize story with a partner using expressions

3. continue story

4. clip art games with expression

5. time for Paris homework?


write 5 sentences about 1 site: use etre, avoir, etre, faire? x2 for 10 sentences have 2 non bags each

DEVOIRS: Ex FG p 4-5

write 5 questions with er verbs and inversion with question word at front (tu, vous, il, elle, ils/elles)

Ex. Où chasses-tu en automne?

Pourquoi évite-t-il sa mère?

Que oubliez-vous le matin?

A quel film pleure-t-elle souvent?

c'est vendredi le 31 août

OBJECTIVES: students will know the meanings of more er verbs

students learn about Bretagne and add more facts


1. look at homework while class cuts clipart and sets up loto

2. go over homework, ask questions

3. play loto- class calls and practices pronunciation

4. explain homework (making quiz)

5. intro to a cultural paragraphe (Bretagne)

6. computer lab to each add 2 facts and use at least 2 new er verbs (from list or new that you looked up)


1. quiz on ER formation (meaning is choice)

2. finish two facts

3. make your own quiz (5 questions- focusing on NEW verbs)

c'est jeudi le 26 janvier

OBJECTIVES: students will use er verbs and review IR verbs

students will explore regions of France


1. question and answer with a partner (mme M. makes copies of quizzes)

2. take practice quizzes

3. take real quiz

4. intro to IR verbs and meanings

5. review Bretagne time for research (add to Bretagne) think cities and sites, maybe foods


1. add two sentences to Bretagne with er (or ir verbs)

2. worksheet on IR verbs

c'est vendredi le 27 janvier

OBJECTIVES: students will review and learn new ir and re verbs

students will learn about more tourist spots in Bretagne


review our new words

1. look at sentences about Bretagne and share new facts

2. look at Carnac and Mont St. Michel

3. intro to RE verbs and go over conjugations

4. pomme de terre chaud?

DEVOIRS: packet A-F ir/re packet