SEMAINE #14 F2013

c'est lundi le 2 décembre

OBJECTIVES: students will make corrections to their writing

students will learn the formation of the imparfait


1. parler des vacances- pc

2. commercial draft time

3. intro to imparfait

DEVOIRS: prepare presentations

c'est mardi le 3 décembre

OBJECTIVES: students will present a made up product using reflexive verbs

students will hear and practice the imparfait


1. present commercials

2. activities with imparfait- quand j'étais petit(e)


DEVOIRS: exercises with imparfait and practicing formation

c'est mercredi le 4 décembre

OBJECTIVES: students will tell a story about a characters past and what they used to do, be etc.

students will describe what was going on in a scene using the imparfait

students will finish presenting their made up products


1. commercials?

2. TPRS story with imparfait

3. airport picture activity

conjuguemos??/ creative sentence white board game

DEVOIRS: write sentences about the picture (10)

c'est jeudi le 5 décembre

OBJECTIVES: students will practice formation of the imparfait

students will tell a story about a characters past and what they used to do regularly

students will write sentences in the imparfait


1. conjuguemos

2. share ideas for scrooge with partners- retell to someone else

3. creative sentence white board game

DEVOIRS: worksheet

quiz on forming imparfait

c'est vendredi le 6 décembre

OBJECTIVES: students will describe a scene using the imparfait

students will make predictions about a song


1. go over speaking exercises on worksheet

2. quiz on imparfait

3. commercials?

4. "pain au chocolat" intro activity

DEVOIRS: think about pictures you want to bring for your autobiography

pc vs imparfait activity