SEMAINE #8 F2013

c'est lundi le 14 octobre

OBJECTIVES: students will hear and repeat, use the major irregular verbs

students will answer personal questions using the major irregular verbs


1. finish drawings and go over story as a class- ask questions, use verbs, dramatize

2. speaking questions

3. loto with singular conjugations

4. predictions of next pages of Le Voyage

5. read in Le Voyage if time?

DEVOIRS: finish predictions

make flashcards

c'est mardi le 15 octobre

OBJECTIVES: students will hear and repeat, use the major irregular verbs

students will answer personal questions using the major irregular verbs

students will read in their chapter book


1. around the world with speaking questions

2. flash cards with partners- or game with clipart

2. go over story

3. go over predictions and add sentences

4. read in Voyage

DEVOIRS: quiz on verb forms jeudi ou vendredi

reading in Voyage

c'est mercredi le 16 octobre

OBJECTIVES: students will hear and repeat, use the major irregular verbs

students will answer personal questions using the major irregular verbs

students will read in their chapter book and predict the end of the chapter using their irregular verbs


1. pre-quiz on story

2. speaking questions

3. conjuguemos!

4. reading Voyage

intro to body parts clip art?


predict rest of chapter with IRREGULAR verbs

c'est jeudi le 17 octobre

OBJECTIVES: students will hear and repeat, use the major irregular verbs

students will answer personal questions using the major irregular verbs

students will read in their chapter book

students will know the irregular singular verb conjugations


1. pre- quiz with story

2. fill in the blanks with questions

3. read in Voyage

4. white board game

DEVOIRS: study for TEST!