SEMAINE #6 F2013

c'est lundi le 30 septembre

OBJECTIVES: students will be able to recognize 20+ sites in Paris

students will know the meanings and conjugations of many ER, IR, RE verbs


1. quiz on reading

2. continue reading?

3. Paris review

4. ir/re/er review

around the world


DEVOIRS: quiz on forming regular verbs

prepare a timed write

c'est mardi le premier octobre

OBJECTIVES: students will be able to recognize 20+ sites in Paris

students will practice pronunciation when reading

students will read a chapter from their book

students will know the meanings and conjugations of many ER, IR, RE verbs


1. quiz on regular verbs

2. Paris review

3. read

DEVOIRS: continue reading, answer questions

c'est mercredi le 2 octobre

OBJECTIVES: students will be able to recognize 20+ sites in Paris

students will practice pronunciation when reading

students will read a chapter from their book


1. final Paris review

2. read

3. intro to irregular clip arts (meanings)

DEVOIRS: Paris quiz

comprehension questions about reading

c'est vendredi le 3 octobre

OBJECTIVES: students will read from Le Voyage and practice comprehension and pronunciation

students will know many irregular infinitives


1. speaking with infinitives VAS, AIMES,VEUX, PEUX, PREFÈRES + infinitive irregulars

2. read Voyage

3. game with infinitives/ clipart

DEVOIRS: wordsearch