c'est lundi le 17 septembre

OBJECTIVES: students will read and discuss the story Pauvre Anne focusing on the major irregular verbs in the present

students will know the infinitives of many irregular verbs


1. quiz on chapter 6 and discuss Pauvre Anne

2. Chapitre 7

3. irregular verbs activity with clip art or pomme de terre chaud


lire chapitre 8 and take notes

c'est mardi le 18 septembre

OBJECTIVES: students will speak and write in the present using some irregulars


1. parler de Pauvre Ann

2. explain irregulars sheet

3. 10 minute write- write as much as you can

4. irregular game with clip art


chapter of Anne due Thursday

c'est mercredi le 19 septembre

OBJECTIVES: students will know the verb meanings of irregulars

students will create a story as a class with many irregulars and dramatize and answer questions about the story


1. pre quiz on irregular infinitives

2. continue with story about Marguerite

3. questions with irregular boot verbs?

DEVOIRS: quiz on irregular infinitives

c'est jeudi le 20 septembre

OBJECTIVES: students will practice meanings and conjugations of irregular verbs in a story


1. list activity with irregulars

2. Q+A with irregulars switching subjects

3. story with Marguerite (Q+A and add detail)

4. Paris sentences?

DEVOIRS: study for quiz

c'est vendredi le 21 septembre

OBJECTIVES: students will know meanings of many verbs

students will answer questions

students will continue to add details to their story and answer questions about their story

students will begin their research on sites of Paris


1. quiz on infinitives

2. speaking with partner/questions

3. add details to Marguerite story

4. start research on Paris sentences

DEVOIRS: have information and research started for Paris sentences.