
"The world is full of opportunity, ripe for heroes, just like yourselves."


Ethra is the planet on which every Campaign up to the point of writing has taken place. It has been host to many characters and adventures. Ethra has endured much hardship and has been nearly wiped clean of life on several occasions.


The history of Ethra is a long and complicated one. The exact origin of the planet is unknown, though there are many theories. Some attribute the creation to the will of the gods, others to cosmic coincidence, and some to the multi-planetary elemental aberrations that surround the material world.

Ethra is populated by various races, cultures, and beings. Humanities earliest history can be traced back to Iodon from the remnants of the First Civilization. The First Civilization's ruins are all scattered across the continent, and deep underneath the desert. Their disappearance is as great a mystery as their origin. Their ancient runes and markings have provided scholars with some insight into the origins of human kind, though much of it remains a mystery. Humans are found on all of Ethra's continents.

Vallaterria is the largest content on Ethra, and is made up of several neighboring countries. The Largest being the Vallaterrian Empire, which was the first country to form an official government and establish a standardized world calendar we all use today.




Kyo Koto

Northern Wastes

More Info found on the Locations page