Daezerys De'Viir

"Fool! Tell me why I shouldn't kill you now."Daezerys De'Viir is a noblewoman of House De'Viir in the Menzobarrenzan.


Daezerys is the older twin sister of Azra'il, and younger sister to Alton. Unlike her brother, Daezerys followed in her mother's footsteps valuing might and force over cunning and stealth. Daezerys was Ginafae's favorite child, above her two sons. Strong and simple, Daezerys has a mind for combat only, leaving all other matters to her underlings. When the house fell she served as battle master for Charaema and Syndra.


Daezerys is short tempered, violent, and psychotic. Daezerys is head strong, and tackles her challenges directly. Those who disappoint her, rarely get a second chance.

Skills and Abilities

Due to her large size, Daezerys prefers to use large and brutal weaponry to maim and gore her enemies. Her preferred weapon in combat is the greatsword, but she

makes equal use of the flail.


Daezerys is rather tall for a Drow woman, with grey skin and ghostly white eyes. The left side of her head is shaved, while her right side swoops down to her shoulders. She is rarely out of her savage looking half-plate, adorned with spikes and ornaments of combat.