Mithril Knights

"This is the way things have to be... do you have any idea what I'd do if I lost any of you?" - Charlotte Embry

Mithril Knights picks up 5 years after the events of the Plaguehunter Campaign. With the plague threat eliminated from the city of Genovicia, Charlotte and Vera have returned to a relatively normal life. This is all soon to change however, when a storm of new plots and villains emerge.


Status: In Progress

Rise of the Mummy Lords:

Mithril Knights begins with the town watch calling upon the aid of esteemed and local heroes Charlotte Embry and Vera Gerome to assist with a series of strange happenings on the city docks. The commotion centers around a ship carrying more artifacts for the museum opening in town. Several of the crew have gone missing, and the few guards sent in to investigate the docked vessel have not returned. Upon investigation, among the artifacts housed, is a sealed sarcophagus apparently housing an ancient king, and guarded by his three mummified bodyguards. The dead begin to rise, but are driven back by the party and the guard. Cornering the fiends at the museum shortly after, their dark ritual is stopped, and they are laid to rest once more by the party.

The Trial of the Century:

Several days later, tragedy strikes as after a calm evening at the restored library, Charlotte and Vera are delivered terrible news. It seems Gerrell Embry has been involved in a murder. Upon arriving at the crime scene in front of the Saltend Shipping Co, the party was met with a gruesome scene, and a blood soaked Gerrell in shock. The victim, a guard sgt by the name of Erico Cassero, with Gerrell and Mhurren's brother Charlie, taken into custody for questioning and to then await trial.

Put in charge of the investigation, Charlotte and Vera, with the help of Mhurren, scoured the crime scene, finding several clues spread about. Vera, using her knowledge of the arcane, summoned the spirit of Erico Cassero one final time for a brief and cryptic questioning. Early the next morning the crew ventured to the Castello to find more answers, and Charlotte near hysterics on the inside longing to see her husband. After a brief questioning that didn't shed much light, the party was face to face to the prosecutors for the case, and as fortune would have it, it was none other than the esteemed Cosimo Lo Bello himself, with his cohorts, Mojahn Ironhand and Lady Reina Schultheis in tow. Having just returned from a successful chapter of his career in Iodon for the last few years, Cosimo was in relatively good spirits, and as a show of good faith, invited the party to his manor party that evening.

Skeptical, the party spent the rest of the day investigating, with Vera coming across a very important lead from the late Erico's wife Lady Simmone. As it would have it, Erico had a small storage unit located down the old part of the dock district. With the know-how of Mhurren the party was quickly able to locate the warehouse, but found it guarded by "watchmen". They denied entry of all, on orders of the Captain. Sneaking around, the three found their way in quietly to the second floor, where there were a group of unorganized and inexperienced looking thugs rooting around for something. The party made quick work of the thugs, who turned out to be a small upstart group of bandits hired by Lo Bello to retrieve something, and located it themselves. Within the small lockbox Erico had in storage was a crumpled piece of parchment outlining and expressing the guilt of dealings with Lo Bello to help him get the position within the guard he had. With Charlotte tucking this away on her person, the three opted to wait until that evening to investigate the Lo Bello Manor as well.

The Diamond of Lucrezia/ The Sorrowful Knight:

The Shadow of the Mask:

Having believed to have defeated the branch of the cult that was rooted in their home city, our heroes retired for three days, to rest and recover from deadly events of the past week. The third morning found Charlotte back in the church of the Matriarch, where the showdown for the Duchess's life had taken place, repenting and praying for the soul of her enemy. She and Cirilla share a brief conversation before being interrupted by an out of breath Regis, summoning the party to the Castello for a hearing with the Duke.

Upon arrival the Castello is aflush with activity, and the chatter of the noble folk. The party meets a particularly venomous Claudia, and sorrowful Georgio as they enter. The Duke declares the DiNicola estate and all of it's funds forfeit, due to their involvement with the cult, and warns them they should be thankful he is not charging the family with treason. Claudia's shock turned to white rage as part of the reward for the parties service, involved the deed to the estate and all of it's assets. The DiNicola's leave in a huff, while the Duke addresses the party once more. He officially sanctions the investigation into the Society of Reformation, and informs the party that they leave for the mainland in a week.

The day passes normally at that point, until Charlotte and Vera are walking home for the night when they happen across a peculiar scene in one of the alleyways. A group of guardsmen investigating a delusional pallid man, murmuring horrified something about "the eyes...". The guardsmen chalk it up to too much liquor, knowing the man as a common drunk. The next day proves odd as well, as Charlotte notices a distinct lack of foot traffic in the marketplace, and the absence of several of the merchants from the neighboring village of Comona. As night falls, the party heads off to the twin's establishment to watch Vera's last poetry night for a while. The place is empty however, and after a quick joke pulled by the twins, they explain poetry night was cancelled due to a theft they suffered. They had just recently come into ownership of a rare mask, an "Aspect of Apostasy" from the old Mortainian witch hunt days, and it was missing. They asked Vera to look for it for them, as a return for the favor they provided previously.

Upon leaving the establishment, the party was attacked by a powerful invisible force, in a familiar environment that Ciri had dreamed about the night before. Outmatched and off guard, the party fled for the sanctuary of Vera's chapel, and made it alive. After patching up the dire wounds, Charlotte and Vera split off from Ciri and her brother, in fear that the force was going after their loved ones at home. After racing through the streets on Moonshine, the two arrived to find their family members untouched. After everyone retires to bed, Vera is awoken by Cassidus, again fallen into one of his trances. After his cryptic message of things to come, she is startled by the shattering of glass upstairs. Charging up the steps she finds Charlotte standing with her sword drawn in her nightwear, a terrified Lance clutching her leg, and an exasperated Gerrell holding Annabelle, watching the window by the bed which was now in pieces. The party takes shelter in the basement, and spend the night in relative unease, listening to the wind rustle above, and a few more windows shatter apart.

The next morning the party reconvenes in the marketplace where they are given a cryptic message from an urchin, bidding them to meet at the Broken Bottle this evening if they know whats good for them. The party then bumps into Mhurren, who upon questioning seems hesitant to reveal something and leaves in a hurry. As they reach the docks that night, the party is attacked by ghouls and wights, and after repelling them, is met by Mhurren who came charging down the wharf from the bar. Before he can explain anything, the fog grows thick, and Mhurren is met with the resurrected corpse of Mojahn, back for revenge. He materializes his old slaver ship out of fog, complete with a crew of wights, and challenges Mhurren to a one on one duel on the seas, with his mother and brother captive.

The two brawl, and with the help of the concoction Vera passed along to Mhurren from the twins earlier that day, Mhurren is able to kill Mojahn once more. During the commotion, Mhurren's mother managed to free herself, and disarm the wight holding her hostage. In the resulting chaos, the party makes quick work of the wights, and the ship sails back to shore, and fades into the night as the party disembarks. As a bloody Mhurren limps off to the bar with his family, Charlotte and Vera are met with a rather chilling sight. A powerfully built man standing atop one of the street lamps, the only feature visible, his glowing red eyes.

-Part 2 Soon-

Tales From the Shadowfell:

Player Characters Involved


Not my belle plz :(