Fantine Fiontan

"Give them no quarter. Bottom feeders deserve no mercy."

Fantine Fiontan was a Knight Commander of the storied paladin order, the Company of the Wing, gaining infamy for her brutal, albeit effective, methodology of enforcing the law.


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Even from a young age, Fantine showed more tenacity and drive than most other children her age, when it came to most things. From a young age, she desired to follow in her father's footsteps above all else, and as she grew older, to succeed where she perceived he had failed. With most things, her knighthood especially, Fantine takes a very objective and direct approach. She very much believes that the ends justify the means, and is fully committed to that ideal. Seeing enemies constantly waiting just outside the light of civilization, Fantine believes a strong example must be made of those who would disturb the peace, something is quick to make brutal work of.

Skills and Abilities

LIke most soldiers of the Company of the Wing, Fantine was trained heavily in the arts of martial combat and holy scripture. While she can wield all melee weapons with deadly precision, she has a strong preference for the flail, believing it to be the perfect weapon to mete out bloody justice with. Having seen many combat scenarios, Fantine is an exceptional leader, able to keep her head cool in even the most dire of situations, a trait that makes her all the more deadly in a fight. Aside from her mastery of war and battle, she is a well educated woman, having grown up noble with access to nothing but the best. Her cold cunning often leads her to a swift and brutal victory against the forces of evil. She uses her piety to channel the powers of the gods as well, like all the paladins of her order.


Fantine is a gorgeous woman of rosy complexion with long flaxen blonde hair. Her green eyes are sharp, and always seem full of judgement and disgust. Her fine features are often drawn into an expression of cold indifference or one of scowling hate. She is most often clad in her company regalia, consisting of fine silver platemail, and a dark blue cloak and tabbard, bearing the symbol of the Company of The Wing. She is rarely without a weapon of some sort, preferring to carry a sword with her, even while off duty.