Izumi Minami

"If you desire these blades so badly, then take them!!"

- Izumi while plunging two dragonblades into the chest of a large demon, presumably whilst falling to her death

Izumi Minami is a young noble bride turned warrior after the unjust death of her husband and clan champion Tsuneo.


Izumi was born into the Ishiyama family, one of the houses that served the noble house of Minami, part of Clan Moeru Tamashi (Flaming Soul). Izumi lived a very happy childhood in the city of Kentari, making many friends while attending school in the city, and discovering her love for physical activity. She would often spend her free time running for sport, practicing archery with the boys, horseback riding, and enjoying herself in the Minami family's beautiful flower garden.

Over the years she worked hard to assist the Minami family in whatever way that she could, and she became favored by many in the family as a result. She was treated to events and activities that not many members of the servant families got to experience so lavishly. Izumi witnessed noble plays, was given lessons in the martial arts and caligraphy, and was even offered some of the best seats at the annual clan tournaments.

It was during one of these tournaments that Izumi, while sitting ringside met a promising young warrior of Clan Moeru Tamashi personally. His name was Tsuneo, a handsome elf man who had shown so much talent with his swordmanship that the clan elder wanted him to fight in this next tournament. His combat style of weilding two swords was almost unheard of amongst the rookie warriors. The two talked for a time, getting along quite well, before Tsueno was called to the ring. Izumi watched and cheered him on as he won each of of his battles until he reached the championship bout. It was a close match against a masterful swordsman from the Shi no Ryu clan, but Tsuneo scraped out a win, and was elevated to status of clan champion. Izumi came to congratulate him later that night, and found that her affection for him was returned as well. The two soon became lovers and were inseperable. This lead to Izumi learning the basics of swordsmanship, and pieces of Tsuneo's unique style.

The next year was bliss for both, and Tsueno eventually asked for Izumi's hand in marriage. She of course agreed and the two were wedded during the summer. Two months into their life as a wedded couple, rumors of dragonblades being sought reached their ears, and a week later, clan battles broke out over the Shi no Ryu's blade being taken and their champion killed. Clan Moeru Tamashi was initially suspect, due to their long history as rival clans. Knowing he may fall victim himself, Tsuneo kept the Moeru Tamashi dragonblade hidden, and left for battle. To Izumi's dismay he never returned, having been assassinated by the Iron Crow before ever reaching the battlefield.

After having her husbands bloodied ring returned to her by a cloaked man bearing a message from the Iron Crow, she vowed that she would bring her husbands killers to justice, and put an end to their goal. Wielding Clan Moeru Tamashi's dragonblade, the Nan Kashu (Flame-Singer) and the armor gifted to her by her husband, she set out to eradicate the Iron Crow.


Izumi is a very humble and respectful woman, treating those around her with the utmost care and courtesy. She is quite well mannered and is commonly even tempered. She is quite easy to get along with and as such often forges deep connections with those she interacts with, even when that time is only briefly. From a young age, Izumi has always carried the ideals of honor and righteousness, though all she desired was peaceful existence with her loved ones. Shortly after the events leading to her husband's death, those ideals manifest themselves stronger than ever, as she strikes out to seek revenge on those who wronged her, and to stop them from affecting others like they did her. Raised by a spiritual family, Izumi takes these ideals to heart as well, worshipping the Sun Lady Shizuru whilst harboring a secret fear of the evil spirits that lurk within the shadow world.

Skills and Abilities

Izumi is a very capable swordswoman, and a quick study, coming to possess skill surpassing even that of her late husband's. She possesses a startling apptitude for acrobatics and agility that she uses to it's fullest with her combat style. Because of her superb reflexes and the hours she spent practicing in her youth, Izumi is a deadly shot with a bow or crossbow as well. Due to her friendly and respectful nature she is quite good at diplomatically dealing with others. During her travels she has also picked up a small amount of ninjutsu, and is able to apply these techniques to make her swordplay even deadlier.


Izumi possesses a rather atheltic build on a small frame. Her black hair is quite long, coming down to her lower back and is often styled in a long, high ponytail with loose bangs. Her eyes are a light brown, almost hazel. She is often regarded as beautiful with smooth features, a light complexion, a small curved nose and lush lips. Over the course of her travels she has taken several wounds that have left scars on her body. She often travels in a long flowing red kimono patterned with white flower blossoms, over which is a fine suit of kikko armor. The Minami clan dragonblade and a wakazashi reside in her swordbelt. Her preferred footwear are geta, and she often dons her kasa, now bearing a crack over her right eye from a recent battle.