Sister Gwynevere Chastain

"How can you do this to your own people!? With her gifts...!? I-I won't stand for it!"

-Gwen finding her voice for the first real time

Sister Gwynevere Chastain is a young initiate of the Order of the Silver Star, belonging to The Lady. A Child prodigy of the arcane and raised very devout, she was a prime candidate for either a hex knight like her mother, or a holy magus like her father. Unlike most however, Gwen (to her friends) possesses an innate ability known as second-sight, a gift granted to rare individuals by The Weaver. During her introduction at the Lormora Institute of the Arcane, Gwen, along with several other students, fell victim to a ritual gone wrong and were sent into the plane of the Weave.


[To be added soon]


Gwen possesses a kind soul, and is always sweet and caring towards her friends and loved ones. Her intellect and studious nature is often apparent as she usually knows a variety of information about whatever the matter at hand seems to be. In her free time her head is usually buried in her tomes, studying arcane lore and theory as well as the word of The Lady. Despite her repertoire of knowledge, she is soft spoken, and usually a little shy in large social situations, belying a slight lack of self confidence. To this end, Gwen has a hard time believing in herself, and her hesitation is often apparent, in long term decision making, and battle strategy, as well as overall anxiety. In fact, it is her anxiety that is of greatest detriment to her, as she believes that everyone from her family to the gods expects the world of her. She has a weak stomach for gore, and is not violent by nature, but will stand up for her friends or against those grossly misusing the gift of magic.

Skills and Abilities

Raised in a grand cathedral of the Arcane, Gwen was given access to a wide assortment of knowledge in the sacred libraries, and basic initiate combat training. As such, she has a strong grasp on magic of each school, but finds her talents favoring the schools of abjuration, and divination. Despite her natural talent lying with casting, she was also trained in the use of armor, simple weapons like the order's iconic focus mace, and shields. Gwen lagged a bit behind the other initiates in this area, but proved proficient enough to pass.

To no fault of her own, Gwen finds herself visited in her sleep sporadically by visions of events to come. More often than not they warn of impending danger, and as such are more akin to nightmares. This ability is known to scholars of the land as Second-Sight, a gift granted by The Weaver to select individuals.


Standing 5' 6" and weighing in below 140lbs, Gwen isn't a terribly imposing figure. She clads herself in the blue and white garb of her holy order, which for women is akin to that of a blue nun's habit with a white tabard bearing the symbol. Her complexion is fair with short golden hair that is kept in a messy bob, protruding from under her cowl. Her bright green eyes gleam from behind her silver framed spectacles. Her left arm is covered by a falconry gauntlet as she often has her familiar Lady Starlight, a celestial hawk, with her. Her heavy pack, covered in pockets is often bulging with tomes and experimentation components and is never far from her. She prefers ankle boots and leggings for comfort. Gwen always carries her a small steel shield which doubles as a holy symbol, and her focus mace at her side, to both cast and attack with.