Desmond Crucible

"Who was that? Well either Astrian decided to explore his dark and edgy side, or we have a new villain on our hands."

Desmond Crucible is a holy cleric and follower of the goddess Avandra. Though, whether or not she condones his actions is questionable at best.


Desmond Crucible, or "Cross" to his friends, grew up on a set of small and unmarked islands on the map of Ethra. His family consisted of devout followers of Avandra, the goddess of travel, and as such he was always on the road. He traveled the many roads of his homeland during his youth, embracing the teachings and practices of a cleric of Avandra. As he grew older, he crossed the seas, and served in the Fraecian elven wars as a battlefield medic. After the war ended, he did what any follower of Avandra would do, and set off on the road, looking for where he could help out next.


Desmond Crucible is a kind and compassionate individual under most circumstances.

When it comes to protecting the helpless, or those under his care, he is fearless and willing to fight to the bitter end (if he believes he can win and not get too beat up in the process anyway). Against enemies in general he is a dirty fighter, often going for crippling attacks to the kneecaps with his mace. Although he wishes to do good in the world and help those who need it, he does not actively seek evil out, nor does he heal those who require it for free.

Skills and Abilities

Desmond is a competent enough fighter, but often avoids melee combat. When forced into it, he is no stranger to using a mace, but he prefers to hang back and fire his two hand crossbows off. Aside from this, his main strength lies in his ability to heal himself and others, as a cleric should.


Desmond is a human man in his early twenties. Rugged from the road, he dresses in a dark leather long-coat with the symbol of Avandra stitched onto the back. A wide-brimmed traveling hat covers his short dark brown hair. Underneath the coat and cotton tunic is a shirt of chain-mail, and strung around it are his mace, and two hand crossbows.