Marco Valore

"Dark as midnight on a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself, that is cafe."

"A single drop of milk is all it takes to destroy the pure black magic in the mug!" - to Ruby

Marco Valore is a Hunter of Darkness and part-time chippendale dancer under the name "Magic Marco".


Marco was born in a hot, desert country to two devout worshipers of Sarenrae. His uncle, a priest of Sarenrae, got him involved early with training to become a cleric. Marco trained religiously until

his early teens when his mother was killed. She was a human paladin and was slain by users of black magic. When word of her death came to him, he abandoned his training and ran away to a life of drinking and tavern brawls.

In one of his drunken stupors, he became convinced he had

a vision telling him to return to his old life. He moved in with the family of his childhood friend in order to sober up enough to travel home. While here, he discovered that their other daughter had being learning black magic in secret, under the cover of the woods nearby. Enraged by this, he sought her out one evening, and killed her where she stood. Torn by what he did, he sought answers at the bottom of a keg. The following day when he woke, he heard

word that her body had been discovered, however it was believed that she was a victim of black magic, rather than a practitioner of it. Marco attended her funeral and left town shortly after, deciding he needed the time trave

lling back to his home country on foot in order to figure things out.

Upon returning home, he confessed the murder to his uncle, who then decided returning to clerical training was no longer the best approach for him. His father had a couple of witch hunters staying in his tavern that week, and after some convincing, he got them to agree to take Marco to their order. A few years later, after routine training and surv

iving the imbibing of the Hunter’s Bane, Marco began taking on real hunter's work.


Marco is a hunter of darkness, bound by his hatred of unsanctioned magic and users of the dark arts. His hatred consumes him, but not too much, becuase he still tries to keep a level head. He is kind and loving, but not so much as to be perceived weak. He's quick and nimble, but still strong and sturdy. Marco is the picture of perfect health, and wisdom, but still acts very hastely putting himself in danger. He loves the finer things in life, but not enough to give himself a big head, after all he is still a man of the people. He values cleaniness as oppossed to the evil beings he hunts, wallowing in their dirty pits of hell. But, Marco also doesn't mind being dirty, as he spends most of his day covered in sweat and blood, smelling like a corpse dipped in coffee. He is a man of many talents and many mysteries. He is Marco.

Measurable Sarenraes:

    1. Cafe
    2. Coffee
    3. Not noncafe

Skills and Abilities

Brewing cafe, dying, brewing cafe, falling, cutting himself then setting things on fire, and dying.


Messy hair, but not TOO messy. Like, he wants it to look like he spent SOME time on it, not just rolled out of bed, you know? Also blue clothes, like a dark blue, but not too blue, just, you know, the right amount.


Magic Marco

"I'll drink to that."

Classic Marco