
"But I have no other place to go, lord."

- Lotus, on her liberation

Lotus was a royal dancer and concubine to the Pharaoh of Iodon. At the start of the events that take place in Iodon: City of Gold, she is freed from her life of servitude along with [Indy a go-go], and joins up with her liberator, Achaka as she has no place of her own to go. Shortly thereafter she learns that there may be more to her than she ever could have thought possible...


Lotus's mother lived on a small island off the mainland of Iodon. The island of [NAME], was a peaceful place, a utopia of the natural world and all it's beauty. The main inhabitants of this island were a society of Tieflings, the population mostly dominated by women. These tieflings were of one mind in their philosophy, merely wanting to live life in peace.

This wish was not always respected however. From time to time, slaver ships from the mainland would make ferries to island in search of new slaves. The exotic beauty of these tieflings, and their wide range of demeanor, made them excellent for high class entertainment and servitude that only the wealthy could afford. Lotus's mother happened to be one of the unfortunate souls who was offered up to servitude, or hunted down. At the time, she was heavily pregnant, and wound up giving birth on the return trip to the mainland. She birthed two girls that day, but unfortunately didn't have much time with them. They were cruelly taken away from her upon arrival, and divided up to be sold off separately. Infants were rare, but sold for much less, due to the uptake and care required, but some relished the idea of raising a slave to know nothing but them.

The infant Lotus, was purchased by a fat and slovenly noble by the name of Baal Zahra, with the intention of being raised into the perfect slave. Stripped away from the family she never got to know, she was left with only one reminder, a pink lotus, from her native island, that stood the test of time and refusing to wilt. She grew up being cared for by the other member's of the Zahra Harem, treated largely with indifference, except by one dwarven woman who treated her with kindness, and gave her a very rudimentary education, teaching her dwarvish, and her own broken common. Spotting the flower the child had with her, the dwarven woman dubbed her, Bulum, or Lotus in common.

Lotus was put to work from a young age doing maid duties, before eventually graduating to more of an entertainment role by the age of 11. By the age of 16, she was becoming increasingly popular within the noble social circles, with Zahra carting her to every outing and event alongside him to brag and make the other's jealous. This worked against the foolish noble, when he had his favorite slave dance at the royal forum in front of the pharaoh, who promptly decided he wanted her for himself. When the indignant Zahra refused, the Pharaoh had him executed publicly, then and there. Though Lotus had no real love for the man, she was mortified.

Life in the palace was much nicer than the accommodations she had come to know, and was surprised to see the pharaoh had a few other tieflings in his possession. Over the years, Lotus made a few friends, but many of the other dancers became jealous of how the pharaoh treated Lotus, even going so far as attempting to frame her for thievery, in attempt to get her killed. It was at this moment, as she was thrust into a dark and dirty holding cell, fearing for her life, that she heard his voice for the first time. A rumbling deep, but seductively smooth voice called out to her, echoing in her ears... no, her head. The voice spoke and terrified, she listened. It knew everything about her, things she would never tell another, and things she hid from even herself. It promised her safety, and prosperity in return for her unquestioning obedience. With little choice, Lotus accepted, and the voice went silent. It wasn't long after that she was released from her cell by the palace guard, who explained they had found the true thief, the fellow slave who reported her, and beat her to death.

Things continued in a relatively calm manner for the next few years. The pharaoh kept her within a gilded cage, lavishing her with all the vanity she could ever wish for, but lashing out violently relatively commonly, and treating her like an inexpensive, albeit favorite, toy most days. Despite this, Lotus never dared to dream for more, considering herself relatively lucky. Life as she knew it would change shortly thereafter, when she was freed from the Pharaoh's servitude by one of his own men, Achaka.


Despite everything, Lotus maintains a cheerful demeanor almost all of the time. She firmly believes that her performances make the world just a little brighter for the people around her, and as such is very proud of them. She is overly submissive and a textbook follower, even following her new group of fugitives into combat despite having never lifted a weapon. Due to her lack of any form of an education, Lotus is very naive about things outside of her scope as a former slave, which unfortunately is most things. Due to the rough education she was given as a child, by the matronly dwarven slave, her common was very broken growing up, but has since smoothed out. She retained one major mannerism though, further reinforced by her conditioning as an object less than a person, she only refer to herself by her name, never by "I".

Skills and Abilities

At the start of Lotus's sudden adventure, she didn't possess a wide variety of skills. She was arguably one of the Pharaohs best dancers, and her tiefling blood yielded her some innate magic ability, used to enhance her performances, but as the pharaoh would kill her if she used them outside of the dancing cages, they were never developed far.

Near the end of her adventure, Lotus has learned how to weave her natural dancing talent into magic laced swordplay for a deadly combination. Her magical arsenal increases as well, as she learns a bit of offensive magic, with a wide variety of utility and supportive abilities.


Lotus is a brown skinned tiefling, mostly human in appearance save for a small set of horns protruding up from her forehead, and a thin pointed tail. Her dark hair is luxurious and thick, falling around the horns, but cascading down past the small of her back, and bound together with a gold band near the lower back. As a concubine and dancer of the pharaoh she has been lavished with jewellery during her time, and wears several gold hoops on her pointed ears, a gilded collar, several bangles and bands of gold across the arms, wrists, hands and tail, a belt of small gold discs, and her namesake, a lotus that never wilts behind her ear. She dresses in a rather revealing dancer's outfit of a bright teal and is barefoot. The only other possessions she carries are her tambourine and the hilt of an old broken scimitar that when wielded by her, creates a blade of black semi-transparent force. On her upper left thigh she was branded with an arcane tattoo- the mark of a slave. She is happy and upbeat but heavily reserved, even appearing as shy, when not performing or singing.