Rakshi Clanless

"Enough families have suffered under the claws of the cult of the dragon, but those days are over."

Rakshi, the current Dragon-Blood (Darasturg Lagar) of Clan Turnuroth, is a powerful sorceress and traitor to the Cult of the Dragon.


Rakshi was born in the small village of Skystead, near the Storm Horn Mountains. She was the second youngest of four children, with her mother being an unremarkable warrior of the clan, and her father a rather talented smith. Of her siblings, Rakshi was the runt, the smallest and thinnest in stature and weakest physically.

Though she lacked physical strength, she made up for it two fold with a powerful natural affinity for magic, that was apparant even from a young age. This trait is rare amongst the dragonborn of the Turnuroth clan, and is almost a guarenteed sign that the one who possesses it, is Dragon-Blood. This fact did not color her mother's opinion of her, and as any clansman, she was raised with a sense of honor and kindness, and to respect the powers that she was blessed with.

Rakshi proved a quick study, aiding the clan on hunts, and even helping to repel attacks from time to time with her natural abilities. As Rakshi grew, she began training under the recommendation of the clan heads specifically for use as a weapon and asset of the Cult of the Dragon. A fanatical organization that claimed it could offer clan Turnuroth a chance to reclaim its former glory. Naturally many of the clan, tired and weary from a bloody past and a run of bad luck since, were quick to buy into the claims. And now with a Dragon-Blood, they had the tool to finally follow through on them. Before Rakshi left to join the Cult, she was gifted a fine spear and spellfocus from her parents, and a talisman made out of a scale from an ancient dragon ancestor, said to bring protection and good fortune, from the elders.

Entering the cult as an initiate, Rakshi was eager to be the champion that her people so desperately needed, and wanted to live up to the destiny that she was raised to believe in. As her first year in the cult rolled on, things were not as they seemed. Rakshi began to question how thieving and robbery were a part of the grand plan, or how bribery, lies and corruption could fit in. What finally ended Rakshi's dwindling faith, was a small village by a hillside in the Sword Coast. The people who would not comply with the cult were rounded up, and were to be publically executed before their families. As the highest ranking initiate, Rakshi was to be given the honors of executioner. She refused. Pushed to her breaking point, she attacked her fellow cultists, killing a small handful and sending the rest fleeing. That day she became an enemy to the cult of the dragon, and an exile of her beloved clan. But this would not break her. She vowed to put a stop to the cult's treachery, and to free her family from their web of lies, once and for all.


Rakshi was raised by her mother, a loving but tough woman. From her she attained a strong sense of duty, and code of honor. "Service to others, before service to self" was her mothers mantra, and became her own as well. In counter to this, her clansmen and her elders expected a great deal out of her from a young age, due to her being a Dragon-Blood. Her childhood was filled with talk of her "grand destiny" as the salvation of the clan. This, combined with her sense of duty to others, made her rather naive, and convinced that the path she was set on was correct, when it was all just a lie.

Leaving the clan has reinforced a sense of independence in her, as well as a rush of freedom and curiosity. Spending most of her life in a "gilded cage", she is vastly curious of what the world has to offer, but afraid she might step on the toes of unfamilar people, when she's supposed to be a hero to all. A problem that often occurs as her belief in her destiny often comes off as arrogance.

Skills and Abilities

Rakshi is a formidable sorceress with her powerful dragonblood granting her a natural affinity for fire spells and abilites. Meanwhile her blue dragon heritage, gives her natural resistance to lightning, and the ability to breath it as well.


Standing at 6 feet 5 inches, and weighing only 210lbs, Rakshi is on the smaller side for a dragonborn. She has two draconic horns adorned with a ring each, and her long dred like hair falls to her lower back, adorned in bands and trinkets, as is clan fashion. Her scales are thicker than most dragonborn, and are bright cerulean, with her underbelly being a light gold. Rakshi's attire consists of a golden neck and shoulder mantle, with simple cloth strips covering her upper torso. Her lower body is shrouded by a long robe bottom, open along the front, save from a single flowing strip, with golden shin guards. She wears many golden bands and rings, and is never without her ancient dragon scale talisman, around her neck.

Her weapon of choice is the spear, and her favorite one doubles as a spellcasting focus. The haft is of fine make, one of her father's works, while the spearhead itself is fine, but jagged crystal, sharp as steel. After her battle with Cyanwrath, a piece of purple cloth hangs from the spear.