Lady Shae Menhet

"Thank you, for now we are free of the Mayors control, but Vallaterria does not give up so easily."

Lady Shae was the Guard Captain and first leader of the now independent city, High Rock


Shae was of noble birth in Magiwe to a Vallaterrian military captain, and an Idonian doctor. When Shae was an adult she enlisted in the military and was stationed in the Misty Valley to oversee the small military force of the newly founded city. When the Lord was overthrown, Shae took over the city.


Shae is strong willed and determined, and values justice and honor. She understand that for HIgh Rock to succeed it means working with the clans of valley instead of removing them as her predecessor desired.

Skills and Abilities

Shae was trained as a commander for the Vallaterrian army. She has a comprehensive of military tactics, armaments, and medical knowledge. Her high birth gave her the social skills necessary for leading her people to success within the Valley.Appearance

Lady Shae is a tall woman, with an military fit athletic build, and dark skin. She is either wearing her noble clothes, which are far more piratical than most other nobles or her old military plate mail.