
"There are things in this world that go bump in the night...i'm the one who bumps back" - Aramis

Aramis is a dusk-elf monster hunter, hailing from Barovia, cursed with vampirism.


Strahd has ruled over the cursed land of Barovia for centuries undefeated, turning many into his accursed vampire spawn. Long ago before the massive slaughter of the dusk elves, Strahd turned a few of the elves, like so many others. Aramis along with his sister, Ilse, were among them. For hundreds of years, Aramis served as one Strahd's many minions, but Strahd was defeated for the first time, his control over the spawn was severed, allowing them free will. With the way out of Barovia open, Aramis left along with his sister.

Filled with hatred for what Strahd did, he swore to hunt down every last Vampire and slay them in his new home. Using his elven weapon training and dark powers for good, Aramis became a powerful monster hunter, taking on contract after contract in every city he visits. His sister though,walked a different path. While Aramis shunned his powers, Ilse embraced her dark gift, amasing power and spreading chaos. The two have fought many times, but neither can bring themselves to slay the other.

Monster hunting can be dangerous work, and in have travels Aramis has met many allies. The two most influential adventurer he met were, Baldrick Stormhammer, a mighty dwarven cleric of Moradin, and Lysa Darklyn, an expert marksman and Aramis' first love. The three traveled for years together hunting down fowl beasts of evil, having many close calls, and adventures until they could no longer. Baldrick retired and became a priest after building a church to Moradin, and Lysa settled down with another adventure and raised a family of her own. That was many years ago, and the two have been laid to rest since, like many of his friends. Aramis, alone again, travels the world on his never ending quest to destroy the beasts and creatures that haunt the night.


Aramis comes off as cold and distant, and rarely opens up to those he works with due to years of watching those close to him pass in various ways. While he may appear dead on inside (as well as the outside somewhat), he has a very cynical sense of humor, but surprisingly am optimistic outlook on life. Of course being a vampire himself, Aramis has to remain ever vigilant. While his intentions may be good, the lone adventurer wouldn't know and may start a fight he can't win. Aramis spends the majority of his time camping outside of urban areas when he's not working in them.

When taking on a new contract, Aramis prefers to plan ahead of time, and do his research before acting. The only way to succeed is to know your enemy better than it knows itself. Studying monsters has become sort of a hobby for him in his down time. He has begun collecting old tomes and beastiaries to expand his knowledge and give him an edge in combat.

Skills and Abilities
