Charaema De'Viir

"Worry not, my matron, it shall be done."

Charaema De'Viir was a drow noblewoman and priestess of House De'Viir, located within the Menzobarrenzan of the Underdark.


Charaema De'viir grew up within House De'viir, the daughter of one of the Matron's sisters, and one of the House's finer male breeders. Throughout her childhood she displayed almost all the necessary traits that make up the ideal drow noblewoman. She was decisive, selfish, cold and calculating. She excelled in her lessons in her adolesence, and focused her time into perfecting both her body and her mind.

Near the end of her noble schooling she was recommended for the prestigeous honor of serving Lolth as one of her unholy priestesses. Due to the current distance of Lolth from the drow, current priestesses were losing their divine powers, and initiates were becoming unable to learn to channel them. Charaema's rigorious personal training, and mastery of combat and tactics worked to her advantage, and she became akin to a traditional surface monk. She was well versed in the unholy word of Lolth and the methods and practices of a priestess, but was unable to channel any of her divine energy.

After several years of her priestess training, she became an initate of the church of lolth, and was brought into The Shadow Sisters, Matron Ginafae's most trusted assassins. Shortly after her first assassination as part of this order, House De'viir fell to an attack by House Do'Urden, and all but Charaema and a handful of other former nobles escaped alive. Charaema and her group of stragglers were forced into hiding, until they could reclaim enough of a foothold in society, to reassert themselves once more.


At a glance Charaema De'viir appears to be the ideal drow noble. She is very dominant and assertive to those that she knows she can force around, but knows when to bow her head to keep herself alive. After all, the longer you're able to stay alive, the more chances you'll have to exact revenge another day. Charaema was cold and tried her best to remain unattached to those around her.

Charaema values the same kind of undying loyalty that she herself demonstrates, and works hard to either scare, or beat it into those under her command. In all honesty she was never keen on the idea of bowing down to a selfish goddess who turned her back on her own fanatical followers, and was only interested in the status boon that being a priestess provided. She would always toy with the idea of one day gaining enough power to challenge the goddess Lolth herself for ownership over the drow race.

Charaema's defining traits however, were her pride and confidence. Every drow has some fallacy, and for Charaema is was being overprideful and overconfident. In spite of all of her stealth and assassination expertise, she would walk willingly into an ambush if it meant protecting her pride and status, with the assurance that she would always emerge the victor.

Skills and Abilities

As a priestess initate in a time of low divine magic and a Shadow Sister, Charaema was given the best of training. She was well versed in all manner of hand to hand fighting, just as deadly with her own limbs as she was with a knife or a sword. Despite her heavy combat training, she was taught always to avoid open confrontation if possible. As such, Charaema became a master of stealth, and using the shadows to her advantage in infilitration and assassination.


Charaema is a shining speciman of a drow woman, with beautiful but cold features, along with a toned and athletic body. Her complexion is a dark gray with bright red eyes. She keeps her lower back length silver hair tied into a sweeping updo. Charaema's usual outfit of choice consisted of a revealing set of dark blue nobellic robes, and covered in all the golden jewelery befitting someone of her status. Her dark leather thigh high boots were trimmed and tipped with metal, along with tall heels forged into sharp blades.