Thyme Belleville

"Think hunter, people like us don't get happy endings."

- While trapped in the realm of Barovia

Thyme Belleville is an exceptionally skilled witch hailing from Mortainia. Due to her unnatural powers and the string of murdered hunters that resulted from her, she became something of an urban legend in her homeland. She stood against the near infinite power of the Old Ones during their attempts to shatter the mortal plane, and holds the position of Master of Eldritch Magicks on the arcane high council. With one of the largest stockpiles of forbidden knowledge and arcane lore on the planet, and the means to utilize it to it's fullest, Thyme Belleville became one of the most powerful casters in the history of Ethra, rivaling even the most mighty of gods in power.


Thyme was born on the roads of Mortainia, to Cherise Belleville, a fallen noblewoman in the process of fleeing her homicidal husband's men. Her mother settled in a small town in the south, past the Bleakwood Forest, named Alesmouth where Thyme spent most of her early life.

She was a bright and attractive young woman, and became quite popular in her hometown. At one point in her early adulthood, Thyme was forced into working the Midnight Mare, one of Alesmouth's more popular whorehouses, to save her mother's position (and only source of income) there. The years rolled on, and Thyme came to enjoy her work and the friends that she had grown close to at the Mare. This illusion of relative peace was shattered one night however, when a rag-tag group of thugs acting under the supposed order of The Crusader, stormed the town and wreaked havoc in the streets. Women were dragged from their homes in the middle of the night to be tried as witches, and the men who tried to protect them were mercilessly slaughtered.

Thyme's mother was among those who these supposed "hunters" burned alive at the stake. Pushing through the crowd to get to her mother, she was too late and only able to recover her mother's favorite traveling hat, now singed and burned. She was caught by the group's defacto leader, a cruel and brutish looking man, who insisted on herding Thyme and the rest of the whores up to the town chapel in order to be "interrogated". After spending two miserable nights as the prisoner of these men, Thyme awoke late on the second night to the sound of jingling keys and the flapping of small wings. Floating at the cell door with a key ring in his mouth was a small red pseudodragon who appeared to have come with the intent to retrieve her. Thyme graciously accepted the pseudodragon's help, who introduced himself as Escher, and escaped her cell, freeing the other girls in the process.

Escher told Thyme that he knew of a place where she would be safe, and of people who had a specific interest in her. With no other options, Thyme followed as Escher led her on a three day excursion through Bleakwood, far further than she herself had ever traveled. He led her to a place where the mists grew thick, and the air thin, seemingly beyond the very heart of the marsh. It was here that she met with The Ethyrdel, or the Walkers of the Marsh, a storied band of gypsies and witches said to travel across the planes themselves. They took an immediate interest in Thyme, calling her a child of the stars, and offered to teach her to unlock her hidden magical talents. Thyme accepted and spent the next seven years under the occult tutelage of walkers. They revealed to her forbidden magic practices and rituals, long outlawed by the lights of civilization. On top of this, she was taught a multitude of magical theorems, divination and astronomy, as well as alchemy and potion crafting. She was regularly tested with dangerous trials that where they took place Thyme could never tell. It was as if the trial grounds were of the walker's own magic creation, with the only constant being Escher, watching over her like a judge. The trials were anything but mundane, but none the less she prevailed, and the more in control Thyme got of her powers, the more she could hear a calling amongst the stars at night. As time passed it seemed as though her view of the physical world began to change, until this culminated in a final binding ritual. On the night of her true awakening, Thyme was shunted into extra dimensional space, a place beyond the stars themselves, where she heard the voice that she had only caught whispers of the past several years. It spoke clearly, through Escher, reverberating within the very fibers of her brain. It had seen her mortal life, her struggles, her suffering, and it knew of her lust for vengeance. It offered her a choice. Ultimate knowledge and a wellspring of ever flowing power, for her eventual mind. Thyme did not hesitate, and accepted the being's offer. The acts of the ritual that followed were grueling, and even humiliating, as she and the being created an offspring to "reclaim her stars" from the void, and open her mind. Once the ritual was complete, she and Escher left the band of wanderers on a personal quest for revenge, to seek out the men who shattered her life those seven years ago, and to bring about an unholy reckoning.


Thyme is a driven woman with the motive and knowledge to accomplish her goals. She often holds herself with confidence and a dry sarcastic sense of humor when she's feeling up, is known to be distant when down, and outright vengeful and dangerous when she feels she's been wronged. She can be a bit of a flirt when the mood calls for it, and often will use her own attractiveness and charm to her advantage when trying to get what she wants. Despite her rather tough exterior, Thyme cares deeply for those close to her, and will do whatever she can to avoid losing them again. Deep down she is rather compassionate, and could even be seen as maternal to a select few.

When Thyme set out on her quest for vengeance against the zealot hunters, she was much more cold hearted than usual. She didn't care who she had to hurt or kill so long as her own goals were met. Part of this can be attributed to the Great Old One who she entered into a pact with in her young life. The Old One desired not her soul, but her mind, and with every new arcane secret it whispered to her, and every inch of her mind it opened, it put more and more strain on her very sanity.

Skills and Abilities

Thyme is a powerful witch with an extremely strong will as well as a vast intelligence. Even from a young age and with minimal training, she was able to manifest basic cantrips without much effort. As a young woman fresh from her studies she was able to host and channel the mind shattering power of a Great Old One and come out with her sanity intact, with nothing but sheer force of will. She manifested these abilities into mind altering and breaking effects on her enemies, as well as pure destructive force. Later in life as a middle aged woman Thyme had mastered her abilities, and in doing so became powerful enough to open portals between planes, create pocket dimensions, summon city leveling storms at the drop of her hat, and mastered just about every illusion and charm spell conceived. So talented was she, that she attracted the attention of the very patrons of deception themselves, who decided to further augment her power, and make her an emissary of sorts.


Being a sylph and a native Mortainian, Thyme is of a rather pale, smooth complexion, heavily inlaid with light blue arcanic markings that wind everywhere except the face, save a single swirl on her left cheekbone. Her face is softly angled with raised cheekbones, wary eyes, a slightly curved nose and full lips. She keeps her snow white hair lower back length, with even bangs framed by longer locks. Her overall figure can be described as an hourglass. Having spent the majority of her early life as a prostitute, Thyme enjoys her vanity, and as such won’t be seen without her makeup, consisting of dark eye shadow, and deep purple lipstick, which is usually copiously, but artfully, applied. In addition she also likes to “dress up” even for combat situations. Her outfit of choice consists of a low cut lacy flowing dark gown, reinforced with leather binding around the abdomen and upper arms, while leaving the front of the legs uninhibited. In addition to a slightly raised collar, the robes also have a hood. Her lower body is girded by knee high, heeled leather boots with dark thigh high stockings. When traveling through the marshes she usually wears a worn fur cloak as well.
