Ravanna Summerstar

"My dear, sweet Rubrae... what has become of me?"

- Ravanna to her only daughter

In life, Ravanna Summerstar was the esteemed royal sculpter of the Summerstar family, one of the longest ruling wild elven families within Fraecia. Her artistic talents were unparalleled, and her use of transmutation in her craft was renown as well. To this day, her works stand proud within the Forever Autumn Court, and the Royal Gallery.

In undeath, Ravanna withdrew herself from society out of shame of what she had become, and regret of her past life, now so distant. She bunkered herself within a forgotten fortress hidden deep within the twisting wilds, and sought to remain there alone. But her ravenous hunger soon had other plans...


Ravanna Summerstar was born into a well known noble family, with strong ties to the Royal Summerstar line, due to old clan arrangements in the past. She grew up with a natural talent for magic, and with more than enough tutors to help her master it. Where Ravanna's true passion lied however was the fine arts, specifically sculpting and painting. From a young age she found herself doing work for the other noble families, and it wasnt long before her art caught the eye of the royal family. After finishing her first masterpiece statue of the King and Queen, they loved it so much, that they gave her the position of royal scuplter, and allowed her to take the surname of Summerstar as well.

It wasn't terribly long into her career (for an elf anyway), that she met the love of her life, a human Paladin by the name of Astrian Fiontan. Astrian, still deeply saddened by the loss of his young wife, found comfort in Ravanna and the two grew very close. Things were moving quickly for Ravanna, but she threw caution to the wind, feeling more alive than she ever had before, and it was only a few years later that she was pregnant with a daughter. Astrian was overjoyed at the prospect of starting a new family, but was soon faced with one of the biggest crisis's the plane had ever faced. Forces were mobilizing worldwide to Mortainia to prevent the demonic forces of the void from tearing the plane apart. Promising his new paramour he would return, Astrian left, before Ravanna could ever confess something she had been hiding for months. She had been attacked in the night, and bitten, having her blood stolen away by some nefarious stranger.

In his absence, Ravanna gave birth at the culmination of her vampiric transformation, and she seemingly died on the table, after cradling her baby girl in her arms, and naming her Rubrae. The infant was taken to be raised by the midwives of the house, while Ravanna was moved to the royal crypt for prep. Come the next morning however, her body was missing, as was the newly born baby. She retreated from the light of her kingdom deep into the twisting woods, where even the elves didn't venture. There she found an old dilapidated fortress, and sought isolation for her and her child. She crafted stone soldiers and gave them life with her magic to guard the structure from intruders, and tried to adjust to life alone and in the dark. She grappled with the new changes, and the new hunger. She tried to ignore it at first, but when she found herself about to feed on her infant, she knew what she had to do. She left the baby with an orphanage in a small human city outside nearby to the forest, fearing the elves would become too wise too quickly. With that, she resigned herself to a broken life of isolation. No renown, no lover, and no child.

She slowly lost her grip on sanity over time, her animated works becoming more and more twisted, and her fortress becoming more and more of a sadistic death trap. Occasionally travelers or elves of the forest capital would go missing in the night. When patrols were sent into the deep wood to look for them, they seldom returned with news.


Ravanna Summerstar is a proud woman and quite the perfectionist. In life she was full of passion and ambition, but since her turn, her outlook on life grew grim. Though remaining a perfectionist, her zeal turned to indifference and her ambition to borderline madness. She maintains an aura of eerie calm, and comes off as cold as her statues. As time progressed, Ravanna lost more and more of her mind to the new hell of her existence, becoming something entirely instinctual for a time.

Skills and Abilities

    • Masterful sculpting

    • Deep understanding of the transmutation school of magic

    • Use of powerful generalized magic

    • Reflexes, strength and abilities of a vampire


In life, Ravanna was a beautiful young elven woman of 162, and full of passion. Her smile could light up a room, and her green eyes were bright and lively. She had a tan complexion, with her golden blonde hair usually pulled into an overly elaborate top style. She dressed in vivid oranges and pure whites, with golden bangles and jewelry when she wasn't at work.

When she turned, her eyes became a piercing red, her golden locks dulled to a pale blonde, and her skin became a porcelain white. Her melancholy drove her to choose drabber fabric, dressing in gowns of black and midnight blue. Her hair grew long and wild, but she still tried to keep up appearances by heavy makeup use to compensate for her blank complexion.