
"A wise man knows not to be blinded by emotions,

but a good man knows emotions are all we have" -Kutalu

"You teamkilling fucktard."


Born in the village of Hoyzan, Kutalu was a trained assassin of the Liquid Sword Clan (Ekitai No Ken). The Liquid Sword Clan belived the path of enlightenment was found through Wisdom. To truly reach this state, one must shed the binds of mortality. To give up family and emotion is to honor the clan, and to perceive the world for what it truly is. Kutalu was raised to follow these beliefs, found difficulty in practice.

His parents were simple farmers of the clan. When Kutalu was a young boy, he was taken to be trained, like many other healthy children worthy of a higher place in the clan. For most of his youth, Kutalu was exemplary, representing the clans beliefs in every task until he met Emiko, a silk weaver in his home village. The two quickly fell in love, and while it was frowned upon, it was not forbidden. This would prevent him from rising higher in rank in his clan. Kutalu did not care as he was starting a family. When his child was five, the clan was attacked by the Shi no Ryu (black dragon clan) seeking the Tsurugi no Umi (Blade of the Ocean). Kutalu being a distant decedent of the ancient White Dragon samurai, was tasked with protecting the blade. As he went to evacuate with his family he had already found them slain. Kutalu set out on a quest for revenge that would lead him down a path of discovery as the next White Dragon Warrior.


Unlike the other ninjas of the Ekitai No Ken, Kutalu valued his independence and self identity. Kutalu is constantly alert, and ever aware of his situation. He is quite talkative, but speaks mainly for the purpose of understanding his opponents. Focusing on mannerisms, quirk, strengths and weaknesses.

Skills and Abilities

Kutalu fouces on a mixture of range combat and taunts. He sticks to the shadows studying his foes before making his presence known. From there he communicates with them, taunting them, hoping to draw out their weaknesses, or to exploit his foes tempers and insecurities. He fight using kuni, A ropedart, a short bow, wakazashi, and the Tsurgi no Uni. Kutalu has the ability to draw out the ancient white dragon, enchanting his weapons and the local area with ice.


Kutalu stands at 6'2", and 170 pounds, with pale skin, hidden under his gi and mask, and ebony hair pulled into a short ponytail. During their travels Kutalu had met his end at the hands of another adventurer when cursed. His soul reformed in the po as a shadow being. His skin and armor fused into one. His gear mimic his hun gear, but his face became a permanent oni mask.