Azra'il De'Viir

"Vengeance will be mine and mine alone."

Azra'il De'Viir is a drow nobleman from House De'viir in the Menzobarranzan.


Vizerys (Azra'il) De'Viir is the second son of Matron Ginafae, and the younger twin by several minutes of Daezerys De'Viir. Vizerys was unfortunately born male, but being the son of a matron provided him with better education and training than most noble men. Unlike his brutish sister and his Alchemist brother, Alton, Vizerys, focused his talents on strengthening House De'viir from the shadows. Vizerys was constantly gathering information on rival houses. Eventually Vizerys took on the role of spy master for House De'Viir. Despite his own personal skills though, Vizerys was given few agents or resources to work with, as Matron Ginafae preferred to support Daezerys and her army. Without sufficient resources Vizerys was unable to predict the attack on House De'Viir.

Vizerys survived the assault, along with three other members. His sister Daezerys, Shadow Sister Charaema, and Alton's protégé Syndra. The four of them went into hiding to plan their revenge, and take back their place in the underdark. Vizerys took on the name Azra'il to distance himself from the failure of house De'Viir. Azra'il stretched what remained of his trusted contacts thin for supplies and assistance, to support Charaema and Syndra.

A war between the surface alliance of Humans, Elves, and Dwarves waged on against the Drow. For a while, the Drow managed to resist the onslaught, but eventually were defeated. Thousands died, and those that survived either fled deep into the wild caverns of the underdark, or made their way to the surface. Azra'il was one of the few who chose life top side. It was difficult at first, but Azra'il managed to thrive in the city Ravenfall, as an "information broker", utilizing his old skills again to rise to power.


One thing that sets Azra'il apart from other the other Drow’s in his family is his masterful level of discipline. Azra'il watched for years as the weak would lead to their own undoing. He is deadly and swift, acting rarely on impulse. Every move he makes is planned out far in advance, even by drow standards. On the surface though, he was forced to keep pace with a more rapid society, and specifically the short lives of humans.

When he's not home, he's out relic hunting, searching for dangerous or powerful artifacts. His past experiences have taught him that if these items were to fall into the wrong hands, they could lead to destruction of Ethra.. Azra'il collects these artifacts, storing them in a hidden vault deep within the earth. This also leaves him with possibly the most dangerous arsenal on Ethra.

Skills and Abilities

Azra'il prefers to work quietly from the shadows, unraveling the threads that hold his targets together. He is incredibly quick and nimble, but what he lacks in strength he more than makes up for in intellect and cunning. Azra’il has a large collection of contacts and resources at his disposal. If Azra'il is forced to fight, he will opt for his seemingly endless amount knives, burying his enemies in a cloud of daggers.


Very few people actually know what Azra'il's real face looks like, only ever seeing his traditional skull mask from under his hood. His skin is a pale grey, with short slicked back hair, white as winter snow. He is rather thin, even when compared to other male drows.

Before making his way to the surface, Azra'il wore black studded leather armor, engraved with a web pattern. A dark cloak hung from shoulders, and hood hid most of his most of his face. When he started going by the alias, Azra'il, he donned the skull mask to further add to his enigma. Once on the surface Azra'il mixed practicality with noblity. He is commonly wearing a slate, hooded leather coat, with many hidden pockets. Small throwing daggers line the inside of his coat, while he keeps his other, larger knives, strapped to his belt. More can be found hidden on his person, always within a moments reach. Azra'il usually wears dark and muted colors.
