Astrian Fiontan

You wait, I will have my own legend one day, and it'll be a tavern favorite!"

Astrian Fiontan is the Fraecian commander of the famous guild of paladins known as the Company of the Wing. While originally beginning his journey as a brash sell sword, he eventually worked his way into the Company's ranks as a holy warrior of Bahamut. The combined actions of him, and several other heroes saved the mortal plane from destruction at the hands of Asmodeous.


Astrian was born in Rosemore, an average sized town located near the east coast of Fraecia. His father, Godfrey Fiontan, was hailed around the country as a war hero from the Elven Wars several years prior. His mother, Minerva Fiontan, was a very intelligent and devout woman who managed the majority of the Fiontan lands. Though most likely the most famous Fiontan, Astrian was not an only child. His older brother Gerhardt, and his younger sister Celeste, were very close to him.

He spent a good majority of his childhood listening to fantastical stories of mighty heroes slaying horrifying monsters and becoming legends. His father lightly trained both him and his brother in the art of swordsmanship. Both boys showed exceptional promise, with Gerhardt only slightly ahead in skill. As the years passed, Gerhardt went off to join the Fraecian army and finish up the fight that his father had battled in. Though the war was considered over, a few skirmishes broke out here and there due to stubborn elven rebels. Not too long afterwards the family received word that Gerhardt had met his end during a surprise attack on his scouting party.

Overcome with grief, Godfrey had stopped his lessons in swordsmanship, and told no more tales. A few years later, when Astrian was fourteen, he decided to trade in his life as a pampered noble for one of adventure and battle. Believing that the warriors life was his true calling, he took the next caravan out of Rosemore with only a few gold pieces and a blade from his father's armory. Arriving in Penance, Astrian went to work as a black smithy's apprentice for next two years, thinking it to be a good idea to learn how to effectively maintain, and if need be, craft his own gear. Two years later, at the age of sixteen, Astrian went into the business of battle and became a sword for hire in whichever town he happened to pass through. Forging the symbol of a Company of the Wing knight onto his breastplate, he found finding work much easier.


As a young man Astrian is arrogant and very confident in his abilities, almost overly so. Though he shows promise with a blade from a young age, he lets his natural talent go to his head, even when he is far from the most skilled. Believing that he is destined for legend, and fancying himself a fully fledged knight when it benefits him, he jumps at any opportunity to show off his skills, or rescue a damsel in distress. However arrogant and cocky he may seem however, he shares a deep bond with his comrades, and is always willing to risk himself for them. At every point in his life however, he has an inborn sense of righteousness, and will not stand to see the innocent harmed or killed. As Astrian matures and becomes a true paladin, he begins to grow out his rashness and adrenaline seeking mentality in favor for a more calm tactical approach to combat. While still enjoying the rush of a good fight, he fights to uphold justice and to keep evil at bay from the weak.

Skills and Abilities

Astrian shows exceptional skills with all manner of martial weaponry, even from a young age. While he can wield just about any military weapon efficiently, he prefers the sword, believing it to be the weapon of choice of a true knight. He has trained himself to fight effectively with the sword and shield style, and two handed weapon style, often seamlessly swapping between them in combat. Though he prefers not to fight at a range, he has also proven to be a rather accomplished marksman on several occasions. Aside from martial proficiency, as a paladin of Bahamut he becomes host to many divine blessings. He is completely immune to any form of disease, be it magical or not, as well as fear, charm effects, and is resistant to any form of attack from evil aligned entities. He can detect evil presences at will, and smite them with holy energy while healing the wounded with a touch. His divine magic manifests itself in many ways, granting him abilities such as being able to bless weapons and water, cure the sick or blind, raise the dead, and banish darkness with holy light. Physically he is exceptionally powerful, nearly twice as strong as the average human man, and quite a bit more nimble as well. He possesses a rather impressive personal magnetism, and his upbringing as a noble taught him some valuable skills for dealing with people as well.


Throughout most of his life he appears as a slightly taller than average human of average complexion. His blonde hair is usually wild and windswept, while long sideburns, thick stubble and ice blue eyes adorn his face. He is of muscular build, but does not appear overly so, leading to some underestimating his actual strength. He chooses to fight in heavy metal armor, and spends most his time wearing it, trying to condition his body. He wears a worn blue traveling cloak nearly everywhere, and usually carries his full arsenal of longsword, shield and greatsword on his person. When not in his battle armor, Astrian tends to dress in a simple light cotton tunic, trousers, and dark knee high boots.